Tuesday, January 31, 2006

50 minutes on the elliptical trainer, 31 JAN 06, COB Speicher IZ

Nothing on the iThink.

WX at 0800: 34, DP 32, BP 30.17, 3@100 pcdy

Odometer 3: 420.0mi


50 minutes on the elliptical fucking killed me. I was toast. That was followed by 10 minutes of ab work and about 20 minutes of catharsis on upper body machines.

Oddly, it didn’t seem that cold to me. Maybe I’m actually getting used to it – or the fact that it’s only 3 KIAS at surface had something to do with it.

1 comment:

  1. Ellipticals have helped me alot more than treadmills. The exercise is much more intense!
