Friday, November 28, 2014

6.03mi, 66:51, 28 NOV 14, Camp Arifjan, Kuwait

Today is day 371 of the campaign.

Tegan and Sara feat. the Lonely Island, "Everything is Awesome"
John Williams, "Battle in the Snow"

WX at 9 AM (14) Nov 28 71 (22) 44 (7) 30.09 (1019) NNE 6 RH 38

Odometer 14B: 169.2mi

Z3. No heart rate reading.

As to be expected, my legs were rubber after yesterday. What really hurt the most was the hip flexors, which I guess is consistent with doing GHD situps for the first time in a few months. GHD situps aren't really a substitute for doing regular situps, but they'll probably help with the hip flexor work that I need for more speed and stability.

No other gym work as I don't feel moto enough to warrant doing any of that shit.

1.00 12:04 12:04 12:04 12:04 1.00
1.00 23:27 11:23 11:23 11:44 2.00
1.00 34:35 11:08 11:08 11:32 3.00
1.00 46:14 11:39 11:39 11:34 4.00
1.00 56:48 10:33 10:33 11:22 5.00
1.00 06:33 09:45 09:45 11:05 6.00
0.03 06:51 00:18 10:13 11:05 6.03

Thursday, November 27, 2014

9.45mi, 89:08, 27 NOV 14, Camp Arifjan, Kuwait

Today is day 370 of the campaign.

Underworld, "Scribble" (Netsky remix)

WX at 9 AM (14) Nov 27 68 (20) 48 (9) 30.03 (1017) ESE 6 RH 49

Odometer 14B: 163.1mi

Z4. No heart rate reading.

This is the first run I've done in a long while in Kuwait. I wanted to run most of the perimeter of Camp Arifjan, and did so, but it varied by pace. It started rough, and went better, but I hit the wall near the end until I realized I was near the finish. So it was worth it, even though I'm going to hurt like a motherfucker after that. The run was easier after the sun went down.

I followed that with leg presses, leg extensions, leg curls, squats, bench presses, and GHD situps. The GHD situps were painful, and I'd bled off enough electrolytes where I was starting to feel some serious hyponaetremia, if the headache was any indicator.

Desultory run tomorrow. Maybe some light pushup and situp work. Still waiting.

1.00 09:00 09:00 09:00 09:00 1.00
1.00 18:42 09:43 09:43 09:21 2.00
1.00 28:08 09:25 09:25 09:23 3.00
1.00 37:33 09:25 09:25 09:23 4.00
1.00 47:03 09:30 09:30 09:25 5.00
1.00 56:40 09:37 09:37 09:27 6.00
1.00 65:36 08:56 08:56 09:22 7.00
1.00 74:58 09:22 09:22 09:22 8.00
1.00 85:15 10:17 10:17 09:28 9.00
0.45 89:08 03:53 08:37 09:26 9.45

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

8.78mi, 83:56, 25 NOV 14, Bagram, Afghanistan

Today is day 368 of the campaign.

Juliana Hatfield, "Perfection"
The Smiths, "Handsome Devil"
R.E.M., "Driver 8"
The Smiths, "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out" from Complete Soundcheck at Glasgow Barrowlands, 1986

WX at 6 AM (11) Nov 25 60 (16) 15 (-9) 30.15 (1021) NE 3 RH 17

Odometer 14B: 153.1

Z4. No HRM reading.

In my almost two days at Bagram waiting on lift, I had an unparalleled opportunity to run the perimeter for the first time since 2009, so I did it. There's been a change to the perimeter route, which adds about 1.5mi to the overall distance, but I woke up this morning a little dehydrated and realized I might feel better after rehydrating and going for a run. At the very least, I don't feel so guilty for eating and not working out. I was a little embarrassed the at time, but I need to moderate my expectations for what I think I can do. Maybe.

My nagging nasal mucus and accompanying cough won't fucking stop, even after over a week. I hope it clears up over the next few days, because I don't want to return to the United States still sick.

1.00 09:34 09:34 09:34 09:34 1.00
1.00 19:18 09:44 09:44 09:39 2.00
1.00 29:04 09:46 09:46 09:41 3.00
1.00 38:43 09:39 09:39 09:41 4.00
1.00 48:18 09:35 09:35 09:40 5.00
1.00 57:45 09:27 09:27 09:38 6.00
1.00 67:22 09:36 09:36 09:37 7.00
1.00 76:58 09:36 09:36 09:37 8.00
0.78 83:56 06:58 08:56 09:34 8.78

Sunday, November 23, 2014

4.0mi, 36:19, 23 NOV 14, Kabul, Afghanistan

Today is day 366 of the campaign.

R.E.M., "Driver 8"

WX at 6 AM (11) Nov 23 55 (13) 6 (-14) 30.18 (1022) NNW 5 RH 13

Odometer 14A: 445.5mi

Z3 high-Z4. Average/max heart rate = 153/162

50/40/30/20 pushups, 50/40/30/20 situps with 15/15/15/15 flutter kicks, 4x15@290 leg press, 3x15@29 hamstring curl, 3x15@29 leg extension.

Today felt all right, although I went a little easier in the gym, and today's finish wasn't as fast as yesterday's. It does take about two miles to warm up, and then I'm more or less set. It seems I'm hitting my full stride by 4, which is about to be expected. Time to retire these shoes, just at the end.

1.00 09:31 09:31 09:31 09:31 1.00
1.00 18:53 09:21 09:21 09:26 2.00
1.00 27:45 08:53 08:53 09:15 3.00
1.00 36:19 08:34 08:34 09:05 4.00

Saturday, November 22, 2014

4.44mi, 40:21, 22 NOV 14, Kabul, Afghanistan

Today is day 365 of the campaign.

The Smiths, "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out" from Complete Soundcheck at Glasgow Barrowlands, 1986

WX at 7 AM (12) Nov 22 53 (12) 10 (-12) 30.06 (1018) NNE 7 RH 17

Odometer 14A: 441.3mi

Z3 start, Z4 finish. Average/max heart rate = 156/169

50/40/30/20/10 pushups, 50/40/30/20/10 situps with 15/15/15/15/15 flutter kicks, 4x15@290 leg press, 3x15@29 hamstring curl, 3x15@29 leg extension.

Today started slow as should be expected from gym work, but by the middle of lap 2, I was fully warmed up and the last lap was surprisingly quick - which in itself is a good sign. Nothing but steady negative splits all the way through, which is also a good sign. I'm not sure what prompted me to try to put the hammer down (as much as I can at this point in my life) except that I felt okay. So I did.

1.00 10:43 10:43 ----- ----- 1.00
0.11 10:44 00:01 09:40 09:40 1.11
1.00 21:09 10:25 ----- ----- 2.11
0.11 21:16 00:07 09:30 09:35 2.22
1.00 30:55 09:39 ----- ----- 3.22
0.11 31:09 00:14 08:54 09:21 3.33
1.00 40:05 08:56 ----- ----- 4.33
0.11 40:22 00:17 08:18 09:05 4.44

Friday, November 21, 2014

6.66mi, 60:04, 21 NOV 14, Kabul, Afghanistan

Today is day 364 of the campaign.

Underworld, "Scribble" (Netsky remix)

WX at 6 AM (11) Nov 21 59 (15) 8 (-13) 30.12 (1020) N 2 RH 13

Odometer 14A: 437.8mi

Z3-Z4. Average/max heart rate = 155/167

My nose is still kicking out mucus like it's no tomorrow, so I'm still technically sick. However, I was able to walk around without having to take cold medicine, so that's a big start. Maybe I'll be able to sleep without antihistamines tonight. Today's run went better than yesterday's for feel, although that's not saying much. I finished much stronger today than I did yesterday, though.

1.00 10:00 10:00 ----- ----- 1.00
0.11 10:17 00:17 09:16 09:16 1.11
1.00 19:59 09:41 ----- ----- 2.11
0.11 20:14 00:16 08:58 09:07 2.22
1.00 29:58 09:44 ----- ----- 3.22
0.11 30:17 00:19 09:03 09:06 3.33
1.00 39:48 09:31 ----- ----- 4.33
0.11 40:19 00:31 09:02 09:05 4.44
1.00 49:53 09:34 ----- ----- 5.44
0.11 50:20 00:27 09:02 09:04 5.55
1.00 59:56 09:36 ----- ----- 6.55
0.11 00:04 00:08 08:46 09:01 6.66

Thursday, November 20, 2014

6.66mi, 61:38, 20 NOV 14, Kabul, Afghanistan

Today is day 363 of the campaign.

The Smiths, "What Difference Does it Make?"
The Smiths, "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out" from Complete Soundcheck at Glasgow Barrowlands, 1986

WX at 4 AM (9) Nov 20 62 (17) 14 (-10) 30.15 (1021) WSW 1

Odometer 14B: 151.0mi

Z3-Z4. Average/max heart rate = 155/167

First time running in four days. I felt like crap, and while I was committed to running 6.66 today, I may pay for it later. I haven't completely kicked my cold, which was pretty bad, but I'm getting better today.

1.00 09:44 09:44 ----- ----- 1.00
0.11 10:01 00:17 09:01 09:01 1.11
1.00 20:10 10:09 ----- ----- 2.11
0.11 20:21 00:11 09:18 09:10 2.22
1.00 30:11 09:50 ----- ----- 3.22
0.11 30:36 00:25 09:14 09:11 3.33
1.00 40:35 09:59 ----- ----- 4.33
0.11 41:01 00:26 09:23 09:14 4.44
1.00 50:54 09:53 ----- ----- 5.44
0.11 51:28 00:34 09:25 09:16 5.55
1.00 61:19 09:51 ----- ----- 6.55
0.11 61:38 00:19 09:10 09:15 6.66

Sunday, November 16, 2014

5.55mi, 52:06, 16 NOV 14, Kabul, Afghanistan

Today is day 359 of the campaign.

Morrissey, "Irish Blood, English Heart"

WX at 5 AM (10) Nov 16 60 (16) 6 (-14) 30.18 (1022) WNW 3 RH 11

Odometer 14A: 431.1mi

Z3. Average/max heart rate = ~155/~160

Today was going to be an easy day run, and it was, as I got progressively faster. The HRM readings are all wrong as I am confident I wasn't going 178 at the beginning ofthe run. I'm still sick, but running helps open my lungs up a little more and I feel better, if only for a little while.

1.00 10:04 10:04 ----- ----- 1.00
0.11 10:44 00:40 09:40 09:40 1.11
1.00 21:06 10:22 ----- ----- 2.11
0.11 21:24 00:18 09:37 09:38 2.22
1.00 31:23 09:59 ----- ----- 3.22
0.11 31:50 00:27 09:24 09:34 3.33
1.00 41:43 09:52 ----- ----- 4.33
0.11 42:05 00:22 09:14 09:29 4.44
1.00 51:48 09:43 ----- ----- 5.44
0.11 52:06 00:18 09:01 09:23 5.55

Saturday, November 15, 2014

6.55mi, 56:41, 15 NOV 14, Kabul, Afghanistan

Today is day 358 of the campaign.

The Smiths, "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out"

WX at 6 AM (11) Nov 15 60 (16) 3 (-16) 30.15 (1021) SSE 5 RH 9

Odometer 14B: 144.3mi

Z4. Average/max heart rate = 159/168

I have a head cold that has been kicking my ass, but I got in a run that was surprisingly quick given how I felt. I've still been gorked out on cough medicine so I haven't been feeling particularly sharp.  I need to sleep earlier tonight.

1.00 09:28 09:28 ----- ----- 1.00
0.11 10:00 00:32 09:00 09:00 1.11
0.90 18:45 08:45 ----- ----- 2.01
0.11 18:57 00:13 08:52 08:56 2.12
1.00 28:23 09:26 ----- ----- 3.12
0.11 28:26 00:03 08:33 08:48 3.23
1.00 37:57 09:31 ----- ----- 4.23
0.11 37:59 00:02 08:36 08:45 4.34
1.00 47:22 09:23 ----- ----- 5.34
0.11 47:25 00:02 08:29 08:42 5.45
1.00 56:36 09:12 ----- ----- 6.45
0.10 56:41 00:04 08:25 08:39 6.55

Thursday, November 13, 2014

3.33mi, 33:17, 13 NOV 14, Kabul, Afghanistan

Today is day 356 of the campaign.

Tegan and Sara, "Everything is Awesome"

WX at 6 AM (11) Nov 13 59 (15) 14 (-10) 30.24 (1024) NNE 8 RH 16

Odometer 14A: 425.6mi

Z3 low. Average/max heart rate = 142/151

50/45/40/35 pushups, 50/45/40/35 situps with 25/25/25/25 flutter kicks, 15/15/10 calf lift, 3x15@27.5 quad and hamstring curl, 3x15@93 squats. Changing it up.

And...the legs were dead, dead, dead. Recovery run only. The conditions are great, but my legs aren't. The old shoes may be a factor, but I'm not junking them quite yet. Right before I leave...

I spent about 45 minutes playing wall ball yesterday, and I could feel it in the upper back and triceps. I had spent especially more time working on left hand, and while I'll never throw and catch as well left-handed as I will right hand, the time spent on the wall has been valuable. If only I'd done that much younger - I might have had a more balanced treatment of left and right hand stick technique. I still can't reliably sidearm or underhand throw left handed, although if I had more time, I guess I'd spent more effort on it. I didn't want to go chasing balls, and only brought two.

3.33 33:17 33:17 29:59 10:00 3.33

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

3.33mi, 34:53, 11 NOV 14, Kabul, Afghanistan

Today is day 354 of the campaign.

The Cure, "Doubt"

WX at 7 AM (12) Nov 11 57 (14) 12 (-11) 30.18 (1022) ENE 5

Odometer 14A: 422.1mi

Z3. Average/max heart rate = 140/146

50/45/40/35 (25/25/25/25) standard + 4X15@290. OMFG my legs were dead today. Recovery run only.

1.00 11:27 11:27 ----- ----- 1.00
0.11 11:36 00:09 10:27 10:27 1.11
1.00 23:00 11:24 ----- ----- 2.11
0.11 23:16 00:15 10:30 10:29 2.22
1.00 34:20 11:04 ----- ----- 3.22
0.11 34:53 00:32 10:28 10:28 3.33

Monday, November 10, 2014

9.0mi, 79:33, 10 NOV 14, Kabul, Afghanistan

Today is day 353 of the campaign.

The Smiths, "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out" from Complete Soundcheck at Glasgow Barrowlands, 1986
John Williams, "The Battle of Endor III" from the Return of the Jedi Special Edition soundtrack
Motley Crue, "Kickstart My Heart"

WX at 5 AM (10) Nov 10 59 (15) 12 (-11) 30.21 (1023) NNE 3 RH 15

Odometer 14B: 137.6mi

Z4 with one lap of Z3 recovery. Average/max heart rate = 155/168

Today was going to be a long day while the weather still holds. It was also going to be a long run after yesterday's recovery run. Also, because today was slow and I'm going to start transitioning my work responsibilities to my successor tomorrow.

1.00 09:26 09:26 ----- ----- 1.00
0.11 09:51 00:25 08:52 08:52 1.11
1.00 19:14 09:24 ----- ----- 2.11
0.11 19:37 00:22 08:48 08:50 2.22
1.00 28:57 09:21 ----- ----- 3.22
0.11 29:16 00:18 08:42 08:47 3.33
1.00 38:30 09:15 ----- ----- 4.33
0.11 38:55 00:25 08:42 08:46 4.44
1.00 48:20 09:25 ----- ----- 5.44
0.11 48:47 00:27 08:53 08:47 5.55
1.00 58:06 09:19 ----- ----- 6.55
0.11 58:29 00:22 08:44 08:47 6.66
1.00 67:31 09:02 ----- ----- 7.66
0.11 67:33 00:02 08:11 08:42 7.77
1.00 78:11 10:37 ----- ----- 8.77
0.23 79:33 01:22 09:45 08:50 9.00

Sunday, November 09, 2014

3.33mi, 34:34, 9 NOV 14, Kabul, Afghanistan

Today is day 352 of the campaign.

Sugar, "Tilted"

WX at 5 AM (10) Nov 09 59 (15) 14 (-10) 30.36 (1028) Variable 3 RH 16

Odometer 14A: 418.6mi

Z3 low. Average/max heart rate = 139/145

As usual, 50/45/40/35 pushups, 50/45/40/35 situps with 25/25/25/25 flutter kicks, 4x15@290 leg press. I added 3x10@90 squats just for something different.

Easy, and I mean EASY recovery run today. Target HR was 140, and I ran just about that today. I was pissed, mostly because I had occasion to go to the post office before its posted closing time, and it was locked. The person said "we're closed" in a way that summoned the words (that I thankfully did not verbalize) "FUCKING DIE" in a split second. My desire to suffer fools gets low, but they're a monopoly on this base and I have to ship shit out. So I will tolerate it, but it's one other annoyance that puts me back in my usual homicidal place.

1.00 10:24 10:24 ----- ----- 1.00
0.11 11:19 00:56 10:12 10:12 1.11
1.00 22:34 11:15 ----- ----- 2.11
0.11 23:00 00:26 10:31 10:21 2.22
1.00 34:02 11:02 ----- ----- 3.22
0.11 34:34 00:32 10:26 10:23 3.33

Saturday, November 08, 2014

6.66mi, 58:55, 8 NOV 14, Kabul, Afghanistan

Today is day 351 of the campaign.

Above and Beyond feat. Oceanlab, "On A Good Day" (Daniel Kandi mix)
Underworld, "Scribble"

WX at 6 AM (11) Nov 08 51 (11) 15 (-9) 30.30 (1026) Variable 3 RH 23

Odometer 14B: 128.6mi

Z3. Average/max heart rate = 154/176

Today would've been a perfect day for a long run. It sure seemed that way until I started running and found out after the first 800m that I was running on the deadest legs I'd run on in a long, long while. I chalk this up to erging this past week, working things that traditionally have not seen much work. The rest of today's run was a long festival of pain.

I also need to call home today, as today is the OPFOR CDR's birthday.

1.00 09:04 09:04 ----- ----- 1.00
0.11 09:40 00:36 08:43 08:43 1.11
1.00 19:03 09:23 ----- ----- 2.11
0.11 19:29 00:26 08:51 08:47 2.22
1.00 29:02 09:33 ----- ----- 3.22
0.11 29:17 00:15 08:50 08:48 3.33
1.00 38:51 09:34 ----- ----- 4.33
0.11 39:08 00:16 08:52 08:49 4.44
1.00 48:48 09:40 ----- ----- 5.44
0.11 49:08 00:20 09:00 08:51 5.55
1.00 58:50 09:43 ----- ----- 6.55
0.11 58:55 00:05 08:49 08:51 6.66

Thursday, November 06, 2014

2.0mi on dreadmill, 17:50 + 5,000m on Concept2 Model E, 22:32.1, 6 NOV 14, Kabul, Afghanistan

Today is day 349 of the campaign.

John Williams, "The Last Battle"
The Smiths, "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out" from Complete Soundcheck at Glasgow Barrowlands, 1986
Something else that I can't remember in my white-hot rage.

WX at 11 AM (16) Nov 06 44 (7) 42 (6) 30.06 (1018) E 5 RH 93

Odometer 14B: 122.0mi

Run: Z4. Average/max heart rate = 157/164
Erg: Z3, Z5 finish because I felt like it. Average/max heart rate = 148/171

As usual, 50/45/40/35 pushups, 50/45/40/35 situps with 25/25/25/25 flutter kicks, 4x15@290 leg press.

Today felt better and worse - I had forgotten how much I fucking hate running on the dreadmill (due to the requirement to run EXACTLY the same pace) and quit after two miles. I realized as much as I didn't want to row two days in a row, I decided to run an easy 5,000, which was good up until the last 500m, which I did all out to finish at 1:57/500m. That was probably unwise but I didn't care.

Part of my generalized ire was because of one of my coworkers who was inexperienced in the ways of two of the more incompetent staff sections that barraged him with, quite frankly, bullshit. Had I had time to edit it, I might've done better about cutting a lot of the lard out of the packet, but it was late and he was apologetic, at which point I cut him off. I told him I didn't care what the staff sections produced, there was no way in hell the commander was going to get to read all that shit. We are the first line of defense against the shitterific staff work that I've come to expect in this bush-league command, and while there's not much I can do about the command, there's a lot I can do at my own end so long as we're not backed up against the wall on timelines - which was also taken away from us. I will not miss this goddamn job when I leave this place.

1.00 08:57 08:57 08:57 08:57 1.00
1.00 17:51 08:54 08:54 08:55 2.00

Distance: 5000
Time: 22:32.1
Avg/500m: 02:15.2
Drag Factor: 99
Per Mile: 00:07:15

Wednesday, November 05, 2014

10,000m on Concept2 Model D, 43:57.1, 5 NOV 14, Kabul, Afghanistan

Today is day 348 of the campaign.

Bear McCreary, "Assault on the Colony"
Bear McCreary, "An Easterly View"

WX at 11 AM (16) Nov 05     44 (7)     42 (6)     30.21 (1023)     E 5 RH 93

Odometer 14A: 415.3mi

Z4.  Max heart rate = 167

Today was rainy and generally shitty, much like certain elements of my work.  I was seriously thinking about skipping out, but decided to stay the course and at least do SOMETHING today.  So I erged 10,000, and I felt better.  Mostly.

I've kept my expectations low as I haven't erged in a while, and so I won't be very strong relative to some of the times I've clocked while I've been here.

Today was a very deliberate effort to control heart rate and not go much beyond anaerobic threshold at first, then not to go totally into oxygen debt.  It was kind of rough, but not as much as it would've been had I just ground it out full bore, which I wasn't ready (or willing) to do.

Distance:    10000
Time:    43:57.1
Avg/500m:    02:11.9
Drag Factor:    100
Per Mile:    00:07:04

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

6.66mi, 59:17, 4 NOV 14, Kabul, Afghanistan

Today is day 347 of the campaign.

Bear McCreary, "The Shape of Things to Come"

WX at 6 AM (11) Nov 04 59 (15) 35 (2) 30.12 (1020) ESE 3 RH 41

Odometer 14A: 415.1mi

Z3. Average/max heart rate = 150/164

My legs were tired from yesterday's row, so I decided to go for some middling slow distance. I don't run enough here to warrant long slow distance, but I'll be sure to squeeze in a 10-miler before I leave here. At least it beats doing nothing but eating. I still felt like ass.

3.33 29:52 29:52 08:58 08:58 3.33
3.33 59:17 29:25 08:50 08:54 6.66

Monday, November 03, 2014

6,000m on Concept2 Model D, 26:28.0, 3 NOV 14, Kabul, Afghanistan

Today is day 346 of the campaign.

Tegan and Sara, "Everything is Awesome"

WX at 5 AM (10) Nov 03     46 (8)     42 (6)     30.21 (1023)     N 9     light rain RH 87

Odometer 14A: 408.5mi

Z4.  Average/max heart rate = ~162/168

50/45/40/35 pushups, 50/45/40/35 situps with 25/25/25/25 flutter kicks in between, 4x15@290 leg presses.

First time erging in a long while.  I had mixed expectations as I figured I was going to be tired after doing whatever else, but I was also not wanting to completely kill myself after gym work.  Harder run can come tomorrow.  At first, it seemed okay, but slowed to its usual pace - which in itself is not a big deal since it was raining outside and I didn't feel like slogging it out in the rain today.

Distance:    6000
Time:    26:28.0
Avg/500m:    02:12.3
Drag Factor:    103
Per Mile:    00:07:06

Sunday, November 02, 2014

6.66mi, 58:45, 2 NOV 14, Kabul, Afghanistan

Today is day 345 of the campaign.

Above and Beyond feat. Oceanlab, "On A Good Day"
Bear McCreary, "Assault on the Colony"

WX at 10 AM (15) Nov 02 48 (9) 41 (5) 30.27 (1025) N 2 RH 75

Odometer 14B: 119.8mi

Z3 high. Average/max heart rate = 152/163

Today is the last day of the Day of the Dead. It's been a while since I really thought about it, but I was hell bent on getting a run in today since it's been a while since I've communed with the dead. Of all the people I had thought about, the first thought was of my dog Thor, who has been dead nine and a half years now. I remember him mostly because he used to go running with me, and while the pain is mostly gone, I still grieve his loss.

I've been resistant to getting pets because I know their loss will be hard, very hard. The Elder's guinea pigs were family, of sorts, and while I tried to stress how important it was to take care of them, they sort of kept to themselves. One died in 2010. The other died this past September. I wasn't close to them, but I did think of them. I don't want any more pets.

The next person I thought about was Tom Witt, my classmate from the Armor Officer Basic Course, who like me would've hit 20 years in the Army. I think he would've stayed in to this point.

The other people I thought about tonight were three former soldiers. Gary Vasquez was killed in action during my last combat tour here in Afghanistan, a little over a year after Jason Swiger was killed by an IED in Iraq. Eric Holke was killed in Iraq when his vehicle rolled over.

The dead, perhaps with the sole exception of Thor, are mostly abstractions now. I commune with them occasionally when I feel reflective, but Thor was different, perhaps, because he was family.

One of my friends wrote a while back that so long as they live in our memories, they are not really dead. But the living eventually move on. The question I have to ask is whether I really want to move on or not. Usually, the answer is yes. I don't know why Thor is different.

1.00 09:19 09:19 ----- ----- 1.00
0.11 09:53 00:35 08:55 08:55 1.11
1.00 19:17 09:24 ----- ----- 2.11
0.11 19:49 00:32 08:57 08:56 2.22
1.00 29:14 09:25 ----- ----- 3.22
0.11 29:46 00:32 08:58 08:56 3.33
1.00 39:01 09:15 ----- ----- 4.33
0.11 39:32 00:31 08:48 08:54 4.44
1.00 48:53 09:21 ----- ----- 5.44
0.11 49:13 00:20 08:44 08:52 5.55
1.00 58:29 09:16 ----- ----- 6.55
0.11 58:45 00:16 08:35 08:49 6.66

Saturday, November 01, 2014

4.44mi, 37:46, 1 NOV 14, Kabul, Afghanistan

Today is day 344 of the campaign.

The Bats, "Courage"

WX at 6 AM (10) Nov 01 64 (18) 21 (-6) 30.18 (1022) WNW 6 RH 18

Odometer 14A: 408.1mi

Z4 low. Average/max heart rate = 157/170

50/45/40/35 pushups, 50/45/40/35 situps with 25/25/25/25 flutter kick in between. 4x15@290 leg press again. All went easier because I took yesterday off.

As did the run, which was surprisingly quick, but also motivated by wanting to clear the course before a crowd assembled on the course route. So the last lap damn near felt time trial, although the entire workout today was punctuated by the periodic feeling of bile that would come up, for reasons utterly unknown. That was distinctly un-fun, although the run today felt surprisingly good - which I also attribute to the day off.

1.00 09:34 09:34 ----- ----- 1.00
0.11 09:46 00:12 08:48 08:48 1.11
1.00 19:17 09:31 ----- ----- 2.11
0.11 19:22 00:05 08:39 08:44 2.22
1.00 28:45 09:22 ----- ----- 3.22
0.11 28:47 00:02 08:29 08:39 3.33
1.00 37:35 08:48 ----- ----- 4.33
0.11 37:46 00:11 08:05 08:30 4.44