Tuesday, June 14, 2005

7.6mi, 65:41

Tommy Keene, "Begin Where We End"
AC/DC, "Thunderstruck"
Blue Oyster Cult, "Don't Fear The Reaper"
Tommy Keene, "The Story Ends"

WX at 0700: 75 (24), DP 73 (23), BP 29.89 (1012), W 7 mist, RH 94%

Odometer 3: 56.4mi

Z3 mid with walking breaks to avoid Z4.
Resting heart rate before start = no reading today.

Absolutely the most controlled not-hard/not-easy run I've done, and I attribute it principally to the heat.

When it's 75 at the start, with a 73 dewpoint, it's going to suck. The only time I regularly ran in morning conditions hotter than this was in Kuwait some 8 years ago. The difference was that in Kuwait, the relative humidity isn't 94%.

There were two walking breaks, which is somewhat of a milestone for a run as comparatively short as 7.6mi. But I was definitely feeling the heat.

There was one time about 15 years ago that I had tried shaving my legs as a heat management measure (admittedly a little off the beaten path as a method), but I did notice some difference in convection. I might give it a try again if this heat holds.

The heat index is supposed to hit somewhere in the 100s today. Yay.

1.5 12:42 12:42 08:28
2.1 31:10 18:28 08:48
1.5 44:05 12:55 08:37
2.5 65:41 21:36 08:38 08:37

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