Thursday, July 28, 2005

5.5mi (8x400 intervals)

Liz Story, "Rumors of Discipline"

WX at 0700: 67 (19), DP 57 (14), BP 30.06 (1017.8), NW 8 fair, RH 71%

Odometer 3: 148.1mi

Z4 mid to Z4 high.
Resting heart rate before start = 45 (124/81)

The heat and humidity lifted, and by god, it was glorious.

Full speedwork set, and the fastest times yet. Of course, a lot of this was attributable to weather. I was paying a little more attention to form during the repeats. I think I'm more concerned at my inability to power up most hills and accelerate, but that's a long-standing problem.

Tomorrow, if this holds, might warrant a little LSD. At least, not so much that it kills me, at least.

1: 105/2:35
2: 103/2:39
3: 95/3:01 (stopped to tie shoelaces)
4: 92/2:44
5: 101/2:49
6: 103/2:42
7: 94/2:46
8: 92/2:24

The rest times keep getting longer through the workout as I get progressively more tired. I suspect improving my max VO2 will correspond to a short rest in between repeats. It also might translate into faster repeats since I'm not COMPLETELY anaerobic...but pretty close.

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