Tuesday, May 24, 2005

10.1mi, 77:43

The Reputation, "Let It Rest"
For Against, "Daylight"
mewithoutYou, "January 1979"
Housewife, "Channel Noir"

WX at 0700: 60 (16), DP 55 (13), BP 29.59 (1002), W 5, RH 82%

Odometer R1: estimate 30mi

Z3 threshold to Z4 hard.
Resting heart rate before start = no reading.

The 82d Airborne Division is currently doing its "All-American Week," its alumni homecoming week/intramural sports competition week. The entire division (for the most part) stands down and marches in parades, entertains former veterans (as my once unit did yesterday when I visited), and plays sports. One of the events is a 10-mile road race. I ran it during two of the four All-American Weeks I was in the 82d when I was physically able (my first year I didn't, and my second year I couldn't since I had a broken leg).

It occurred to me yesterday that I did no taper whatsoever. That was just plain dumb. 3.8 the day prior and 8.5 on trails was not the way to prepare for this race. I'll be running the Fort Bragg Army Birthday 10-Miler on 10 June. Rest assured I'll be doing a legitimate taper for that one.

I did get my haircut. Man, was it nice to be able to freely radiate heat off the sides of my head. Seriously. It makes a difference.

I had to show up at 4:30am for a start time of 6:30am. Those wacky 82d guys, very funny. The only required prerequisite was showing up for the safety brief. That was given at 6:15am. Paratroopers. They're wacky.

Fast start, faster than I would've liked, compounded by the fact that I started warming up too early. Oops.

There was virtually no water available on the course. This was bad-- and totally preventable. There were two folks at each water stop, which was probably not smart given the field of several HUNDRED runners. Oops.

Water stop 1 (at 2 miles): ONE cup available. I pass it up thinking there'll be more. Dumb move. It's painfully evident the unit that was running the race wasn't prepared for the massive onslaught of runners.

Water stop 2 (at 4 miles): stop and drink from 5-gallon jug held over head. Bad, bad, bad. To add insult to injury, I'm trying to suck down a power gel with no water. Fun.

Water stop 3 (at 6 miles): now I'm getting the ass. I stop and wait for a cup. This costs me probably about 45 seconds of waiting. Bad, bad, bad.

Water stop 4 (at 8 miles): I finally get a cup of water, but the damage is done. Not getting enough water at the front end is going to cost me, and it does as I hit the wall about 1000 meters from the finish, going uphill. Believe me, it's heartbreaking to see 7 or 8 folks burn by you at the finish and you're too fucking smoked to challenge.

In spite of it all, I achieved my goal of running under 80 minutes, and with a proper taper (and over a much easier course, combined with far better race administration) by 10 June, I expect to break 75 given my current training state. I think that's achievable.

1.0 7:22 7:22 7:22
5.0 38:00 -:-- 7:36
7.0 54:24 7:29 7:46
10.1 77:43 7:29 7:42

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