Tuesday, December 29, 2009

3.0mi on dreadmill + 15 minutes on elliptical, 29 DEC 09, Billerica, Massachusetts

iThink: Dos Gringos, "Going In For Guns"

WX at 0800: 21.9 (-5.6) DP 8.1 (-13.3) BP 29.59 (1002) W 16 RH 54

Odometer 1: 256.0mi rough equivalence.

Average/max heart rate = 157/167

I forget from time to time how much I loathe running on dreadmills. I hate it. But when it's too cold to run outside (for all intents and purposes) then it is what it is.

Part of why I dislike dreadmills is that my actual pace tends to vary much more than what a dreadmill will allow.

This gives me a chance, however to watch TV news. Aside from schlock human interest stories (about which I care not at all), I get to hear about a Korean missionary whose zeal to bring Xtianity to North Korea far outweighs his common sense and then leads to some potential Combat Darwinism.

The other top story is the paradox of security and civil liberties. There are some people who are concerned that backscatter scanners will show that many Americans are actually fat, somewhat jiggly, and may have less endowment than they want to claim. If someone wants to see that, and be safe, so be it. I frankly couldn't give two flying fucks about civil liberties when security is an issue, but I have a slightly more draconian view of the universe than many bleeding-heart Americans. The other 800 pound gorilla that nobody wants to touch is profiling, but the fact remains that the security threat from little old ladies is substantially lower than guys who might be Muslims from Nigeria. The political and social implications of that are a little too touchy for most people to address honestly.

Harrumph. Or, if I want to be topically relevant, humbug.

No splits.

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