Friday, April 08, 2005

5.1mi, 41:00

Rachel Loy, "Love Me Too Much"
Sarah McLachlan, "Fear"
The Reputation, "Face It"

WX at 0600: 60 (16), DP 60 (16), BP 29.74 (1007), winds ESE 2, mist, RH 100%

Odometer 1: 373.5mi

Resting heart rate before start = 52. On the other hand, I might need to go get looked at for blood pressure since I was reading 145/100 this morning...

Intent this morning is nothing but aerobic fat-burning. I just don't feel motivated to do any hard running. Blood pressure might be another consideration. Some of it might be that currently, I just don't give a fuck.

Ironically, today is probably the fastest run I've ever done relative to perceived effort. I was starting to stretch it out over the last 2 miles, and sped up (although not perceptibly; I had to check it against my watch).

I was unbelievably surprised when I hit the last split in 11:35. Normally I have to kill myself to get that kind of speed. I wasn't going particularly anaerobic.

I have to wonder if my deliberately slow initial split had something to do with it. Normally for a run of this speed I hit the first split around 12:00. Today marks one of the very few occasions I've run faster in the 2.1 leg than in the initial. It means I was speeding up over hilly terrain, versus the 1.5 which is generally flat for the last half of it.

I don't know. I just find it ironic that I run a comparatively fast run on a day where I almost slept in because of lethargy or, quite frankly, lack of the give-a-shit factor.

1.5 12:26 12:26 08:17
2.1 29:25 16:59 08:05
1.5 41:00 11:35 07:43 07:58

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