Thursday, August 15, 2024

6.06mi, 77:15, 15 AUG 24, Springfield, Virginia

Dentist, "Random Numbers Shapes and Colors"

WX at 11 AM (15) Aug 15 82.9 (28.3) 61.0 (16.1) 30.11 (1019) N 10 RH 48

Odometer 24: 382.3mi

TE 3.5/1.1. Average/max heart rate = 146/170

First longer run. I wouldn't call 6.1mi a long run but it's at least not a short one. HR is still elevated but I was being pretty disciplined about not running abnormally hard. WIth luck things will improve a bit as I rebuild mitochondria that I had lost over the last few weeks. Today's iThink was a little slow to come, but once it did, it stuck.

Next week I'll start working on cutting rest days but not overtraining if I can avoid it.

1.29 15:41 15:41 12:09 12:09 1.29
0.55 22:21 06:40 12:07 12:09 1.84
1.78 45:25 23:04 12:58 12:33 3.62
0.45 51:31 06:07 13:34 12:40 4.07
0.89 64:02 12:31 14:04 12:55 4.96
1.10 77:15 13:13 12:01 12:45 6.06

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