Friday, March 02, 2012

Lifting + 5,000m on Concept2 Model E, 22:37.7, 2 MAR 12, Maxwell AFB, Alabama

iThink: none

WX at 18:53 S 7 10.00 Thunderstorm Light Rain SCT025 71 66 84% 72 29.77 1007.7 0.18

Odometer 11C: 195.0mi equivalency

Z3. Average/max heart rate = about 152/160

I was on the Concept2 and someone had turned on the yoga video in the gym (this is, after all, an Air Force base) and as I was cranking away on the erg, I noticed that someone had riffed Brad Fiedel's theme from The Terminator into the background of the yoga video. I had to resist my head trying to explode in a pink mist after seeing that.

The C2 seems slow, but I was concentrating on heart rate, not speed.

Distance: 5000
Time: 00:22:38
Avg/500m: 02:16
Drag Factor: 110
Per Mile: 00:07:17

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