Sunday, December 05, 2004


I spent the last week on the cruise ship Disney Magic. I left weighing about 180lbs. I popped the scale at 188 tonight.

I knew I was eating a lot but goddamn I didn't think I was taking on 8 x 3000 Kcal. This doesn't count the runs I got in (not fast, but at least an hour long):

Sun 28 NOV: 7mi, 61:04, Z3 no man's land
Mon 29 NOV: 7mi, 61:03, Z3 no man's land
Tue 30 NOV:50min on the ergometer
Wed 1 DEC: 6mi, time indeterminate, speedwork
Thu 2 DEC: 9mi, 81:24, Z3 even

This is totally fucking unacceptable. This now entails a directive shift in workout plan.

Emphasis is now on distance to shave weight. I guess I'll also have to start watching what I eat a lot more judiciously now as well. Shit.

I think I'll hold off on getting a new ID card until I don't look or feel like such a fat fuck.


  1. Tapped in at 184.5 this morning so my alarm is slightly reduced.

    The goal is still to get back down to 178.

  2. I think your goal should be 208.
