Sunday, November 14, 2004

10.1mi, 77:03

Peter Gabriel and Deep Forest, "As The Earth Sleeps"
The Reputation, "The Stars of Amateur Hour"
snippets of Corrosion of Conformity, "Holier"
snippets of Velocity Girl, "Labrador" and Velocity Girl, "The All-Consumer"
The Connells, "Carry My Picture"

This was the morning of assloads of alterna-retro, The Reputation excepted.

WX at 0800: 35 (2), DP 26 (-3), BP 30.71 (1039), winds NNE 7, RH 69%, wind chill 28 (-2)

Odometer 2: 140mi

Z3 on level ground, Z4 going uphill.

The goal today was to run 10 in under 80 minutes, which I achieved with a comfortable 3 minute margin. My legs were still tired from three days ago; I think it affected the relative constancy of the splits, particularly at the end. I like running in this weather (today's clothing was tights, shorts, long sleeve shirt, and gloves, and no issues of heat management); if I can train consistently this winter I'm thinking I might actually be able to drop the 1.5 split below 11 minutes. That's the goal, at least. In order to do that I need to be able to improve my mile time by about 7 seconds over the given distance. That entails a consistent 7:25 mile pace. I'm not there yet, but I think it's an achievable goal.

I think I should be able to get there if I can sustain the 7.5/10 weeks described earlier.

Nothing planned for tomorrow. I'm anticipating a jump tomorrow morning assuming the winds aren't too gusty. It'll be the first time I've jumped Sicily Drop Zone (where I broke my leg four years ago) since 2002. It's less vegetated than Ste Mêre Eglise DZ, so with luck my parachute won't land on a stickerbush the way it did the last time I bounced off the ground.

2.5 19:18 19:18 07:43
1.5 30:41 11:23 07:35
2.1 46:57 16:16 07:45
1.5 58:15 11:18 07:32
2.5 77:03 18:48 07:31 07:36


  1. I ain't being yer best man again, either...

  2. Eh? That presumes that I'm going to bust my ass jumping Sicily as a rule.

    I have more jumps at Sicily than at any other DZ. I only fucked myself up that one time! ONCE!

    In spite of that, I'm still tying my boots tight tomorrow as insurance. At least I'm jumping a steerable parachute. I guaran-fucking-tee you that I'm steering away from the dirt trail that jacked me up four years ago. Sicily is a DZ where it does NOT pay to be the stick-pusher on a small aircraft, since you will probably exit parallel to the extremely dense-packed and unforgiving dirt flight landing strip. I'd rather land on concrete (where I know the surface is even, from personal experience) than on an FLS.

  3. Yes, well, I'm really more of a glass-half-empty type...
