Tuesday, February 10, 2009

10,000m on Concept2 Model D, 46:25, 10 FEB 09, Bagram, Afghanistan

Day 364 of the campaign.

iThink: None. Couldn't fix on any one song since there was music in the background.

WX at 2330: 32 (0) DP 24 (-4) BP 30.00 (1016) NW 7 haze; smoke RH 74

Odometer 4: (at 50% equivalence) 110.1mi

Z4 by feel only.

First time in a long while that I've hit the spinner. I found out yesterday that there was a Concept2 Model D in our gym, so now I have a very real incentive to get back on the stick in a way that I'm pretty sure will keep me engaged. Besides, not too many other folks want to hit the rowing machine here, aside from the Crossfitters who seem to enjoy that sort of stuff - but not at the distances I row.

I haven't worked that hard in a while - and running, even when I'm going hard, doesn't really work the same thing.

I was stiff, and at first, I was encouraged at clocking 2:05/500m, but reality set in quickly, and I was much closer to 2:15/500m for the first 4500m, then just barely hanging on at 2:20-2:24/500m at the end. I was tired, but I was determined to finish 10,000. I'm sure I'll get stronger - I haven't done this in a long, long time. There was a cold fury behind tonight's work - somewhat like the same attitude I get when I'm going to finish something or kill anyone in my way. But it's the road to recovery. And I may be going home sooner than I thought originally when I got here.

It's no accident I've wanted a Concept2 for a long, long time, but the only chance I might have to get one will be after I come back from Afghanistan.

Distance: 10000
Time: 00:46:25
Per 500m: 02:19
Drag Factor : 186
Per Mile: 00:07:28

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