Tuesday, February 24, 2009

10,000m on Concept2 Model D, 44:14.0, 25 FEB 09, Bagram, Afghanistan

Day 379 of the campaign.

Aly & AJ, "Chemicals React"
The Cure, "A Forest"

WX at 0030: 33 (1) DP 21 (-6) BP 30.03 (1017) WNW 6 RH 59 WC 26 (-3)

Odometer 3 (at 50% equivalence): 338.1mi

Average/max heart rate = 163/185

I don't like exercising with headphones on. I tend to sweat so much that my headphones become somewhat soggy. Eeuww. Therefore, I'm stuck with whatever's on the radio in the gym, rather than being able to iThink my way through my workout unmolested. This wasn't an issue in the other places where I've had a Concept because there was no background music, and I could figure out whatever the hell mantra I was going to use.

I was able to get out of the headquarters early enough (i.e., before midnight) that I was able to get to the gym and crank out my customary 10,000. This is a good sign, actually, that I'm getting stronger again, although I don't feel it much.

I weighed in at 181, which is less than I thought I was, which was 185. This is also encouraging. I'd like to get back down to below 179 again, which I think I'm starting to do through diet (finally), and if I continue to do this, I think I'll get leaner (as I'm working things other than just legs when I crank on the spinner). I have noticed that I've been shaving off about 5 seconds per workout so far. I think this is an indicator of not having rowed regularly in a while rather than any indicators of actual improved fitness, but I could be wrong.

I absolutely must do this more often than every three days. That is not enough.

Distance: 10000
Time: 00:44:14
Per 500m: 02:13
Drag Factor : 183
Per Mile: 00:07:07

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