Friday, November 07, 2008

Record APFT, 288 points, 8 NOV 08, Bagram, Afghanistan

Day 270 of the campaign.

Journey, "Only The Young"
Night Ranger, "When You Close Your Eyes" (yes. stop laughing.)

WX at 0630: 46 (8) DP 24 (-4) BP 30.24 (1024) NW 6 haze RH 42

Odometer 3: 243.7mi


This was a refreshing change from the last time. I didn't get what I'd wanted, but it sure was a big improvement over the last test, where my run was, to say the least, substandard. I still didn't get what I wanted for the run, but I was a lot closer (and had I run a second faster, I would've collected another point, but that's academic) to the 290 points I normally strive to achieve.

Of course, it was noticeably cooler, and I had actually trained up some for that test. I also hadn't been doing Crossfit (or some facsimile thereof).

I do need to work out more - although it stands that while I've been averaging doing PT on every other day or so, I don't think that's enough by any stretch. I think I should be able to get that 290 before I leave Afghanistan, though.

Even after about a week's worth of advance warning, I was able to get my customary 200 points in the first two events with comparative ease. It's not that I had to kill myself to do it, but I was pleasantly surprised that after that little time, I was able to get back into the kind of shape required to get the results I did.

I still should've gotten 82 pushups, just on principle.

One other thing is that in spite of running faster, it was in the wake of being 5 pounds heavier than the last time. I don't think that 5 pounds is really muscle, either. I need to go back to lifting, in an attempt to see if I can get leaner again.

A note on the iThink this morning. I have no idea what cause me to think of 80s Top 40 and hair metal, but the song I was trying to push out of my head was "At Least I'm Not the Snacko" by Dos Gringos, my latest musical fix, the lyrics of which are entertaining, but the tempo is too slow for a good run unless I'm wogging:

They just lost my travel voucher over at finance
I just tried to fart but instead I squirted my pants
The cops just found my car totaled in a ditch
My hemorrhoids are back in town and their itching like a sonafabitch

But I'm not sad
It ain't all that bad
'Cause at least I can say I'm not the Snacko

My mother came to visit and she found my porno stash
Last week's midnight rendezvous is now a horrible rash
My brother's back in prison and my sister she's a whore
It probably wouldn't bother me but her pimp - her pimp lives right next door

But I'm not sad
It ain't all that bad
'Cause at least I can say I'm not the Snacko

Now I can go back to my dilatory ways of not working out much.


Pushups: 80 in 1:40 or so (about the same as last time)
Situps: 87 in 2:00 (My boss was holding my feet, so I felt somewhat compelled to overachieve)
2.00 14:37 14:37 07:18 07:18 2.00

1 comment:

  1. Dude, "Only the Young" rocks. It's on my iPod/iTunes as well. More proof we were separated at birth.

    With respect to PT, I've completely let myself go now that I'm home. No access at all to a gym, only the occasional run. My failure is complete.
