Sunday, June 08, 2008

Record APFT, 281 points, 9 JUN 08, Bagram, Afghanistan

Day 118 of the campaign.

Aly & AJ, "Chemicals React"

WX at 0630: 75 (24) DP 51 (11) BP 29.91 (1013) Variable 2 haze RH 43

Odometer 2: 166.8mi


The PT test is over. Now I can start getting back at it. The goal before I leave is to run the perimeter. Twice. At once. It's achievable. It might suck, but it's achievable.

Not the slowest PT test ever, but not exactly the fastest by any stretch.

You know it's going to be bad when the first word out of your mouth is "fuck!" I'd been meaning to wake up at 5:30am, but maybe not. I woke up at 6:02, leading to my first word of the day.

There's an old superstition I was told where if you say "bunny" when you wake up at the beginning of every month, it'll bring you good luck. I don't believe in superstitions, but it doesn't stop me from remebering to say "bunny" at the beginning of each month, most of the time. I guess it's good today wasn't the first of the month!

The temperature is deceptive. If it had been overcast, it would have been fine. By the time things got started, the sun had been up for over an hour and it was starting to heat up. Not to the point where it was really going to affect how I did, but it was warm. There is a very noticeable temperature difference between being out in the open (under the sun) and in the shade. It was actually pleasant in the shade. It'll be over 90F later today, though. It was almost 95F yesterday. However, because the relative humidity is so low, I don't really notice it. I think it may be more arid here than it was in Iraq. I know that sounds ironic, but I was a few miles away from the Tigris River and I was technically in the Tigris River Valley on my last combat tour. All I gotta say is it's a dry heat!

My goal is 290, which I didn't meet. I didn't run as slowly as I did at SAMS, but today was nothing to write home about. My personal standard today is at least 280. I met it, but not by much. I was disappointed, but not crushed. I realize that as I get older, I just don't get that bent out of shape about getting 300 on the PT test...not that I've done that since 1999, by the way.

The run starting promisingly, but after the first 400m I realized it was just going to be intensely painful. I don't do speedwork, and I run usually much further than just two miles. When you're running 8 miles, it's hard to get settled into any good run without a 2-3 mile warmup. I could make the excuse that I'm sitting at almost 5,000 feet MSL, but I'm not that convinced of that excuse, and after having been here four months, it's an excuse. Excuses don't hold water...but at least it's not my slowest.

On the bright side, I finally made weight for the first time in a minor eternity. It's the first time I haven't had to have been checked for body fat percentage in years. Literally.


Pushups: 82 in 1:40 or so
Situps: 80 in 2:00 (ran out of time, first in a while)

2.00 15:15 15:15 07:37 07:37 2.00

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