Saturday, June 01, 2024

7.07mi, 94:33, 1 JUN 24, Carlisle, Pennsylvania

Cobalt 60, "Darwin Was Right"
Dayglow, "Can I Call You Tonight?"

WX at 9 PM (1) Jun 01 77.0 (25.0) 48.9 (9.4) 30.1 (1019) Calm RH 37

Odometer 24: 171.6mi

TE 2.4/0.0. Average/max heart rate = 137/147

Zone 2 recovery run. I could feel a little bit of tightness in the left hamstring and right behind the knee, so I stopped to stretch, but I was trying to be mostly disciplined to not run too hard. Weather was nice tonight after a warm day today. Leg 3 was encouragingly faster, although I was transitioning back to pavement from trail and was running much more efficiently.

Garmin Connect is telling me I've run almost 32 miles in the last week. That is more than I thought!

1.64 21:11 21:11 12:55 12:55 1.64
1.90 47:15 26:04 13:43 13:21 3.54
1.87 72:00 24:45 13:14 13:19 5.41
1.66 94:33 22:33 13:35 13:22 7.07

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