Monday, August 15, 2005

5.0mi, 40:46

cheesy background music to some 1997 US Air Force propaganda film
John Murphy, "Taxi (Ave Maria)" from 28 Days After soundtrack

WX at 0700: 71 (22), DP 63 (17), BP 30.06 (1017.8), vrbl 5 clouds, RH 76%

Odometer 4: 22.5mi

Z3 high/Z4.
Resting heart rate before start = 51 (135/90)

Yesterday would've been a day off had I not decided to go to the gym and row 10,000m on the ergometer. It was somewhat painful (and I generally thrash my hands in the process) but strangely therapeutic. It also marks the first legitimate cross-training I've done since coming here, so I might do that more often to prevent from getting stale or something like that.

Today was surprisingly fast for feeling like ass all weekend long.

Too bad my knees are starting to hurt again. This is with new shoes. This is a bad sign. Maybe I'm just getting older. Stacking dipenhydramine with prednisone and starting today, with naproxen sodium has to be doing something. Probably nothing beneficial for my stomach. On the other hand, I was pretty judicious not to hit the bottle while taking the dipenhydramine...tho' it didn't stop me from killing it Friday night while I was still on the prednisone.

initial half or so: 4:53
1: 13:01/8:08
2: 21:12/8:10
3: 29:31/8:18
4: 37:12/7:41
final half or so: 3:33
aggregate: 40:46 (8:09)

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