Tuesday, March 01, 2005

5.1mi, 43:57

40 Foot Echo, "Brand New Day" (which I never would've heard had I not seen Freaky Friday with Lindsay Lohan...)
Beatallica, "And I'm Evil"
Boulder Dash. (Again.)

WX at 0700: 37 (3), DP 26 (-3), BP 29.67 (1004), winds WNW 7, RH 64%

Odometer 1: 293mi

Resting heart rate before start = 63

I had been meaning to find a jump and found one for this morning, but chickened out based on a forecast for winds in excess of 15mph. Such weather was most certainly not present this morning, and I'm sure the manifest call for that jump was ongoing as I ran. I hope for that unit that they jump, but it's another missed opportunity.

I might have to back up my estimate another month to April because I just don't think I'll get 5 jumps this month. 3 or 4, if I'm lucky, but the rest will have to happen in April.

I had been planning on running 7, but the body was not willing. It would've been able, but it would've been ugly, and I just don't feel that mentally tough right now.

The fringe benefit is that I guess I should feel happy for running an 8:32 pace in spite of exceptional sluggitude. Still, today's the slowest run in a while.

1.5 12:48 12:48 08:32
2.1 31:17 18:29 08:48
1.5 43:57 12:40 08:27 08:32

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