Friday, March 11, 2005

7.6mi, 60:00

Liz Phair, "Supernova" (I have no idea where this came from.)
New Order, "Dream Attack"
R.E.M. with Kate Pierson, "Furry Happy Monsters" (from Sesame Street)

WX at 0700: 39 (4), DP 30 (-1), BP 29.72 (1006), winds SW 7, RH 69%

Odometer 2: 300.5mi

Resting heart rate before start = no reading.

Today was going to be a jump. I thought I was going to be already on the manifest, but that ended up becoming a wolf ticket. There were two parachutes left for straphangers when the names were finished being called. I could not in good conscience ask for a parachute when there were folks who were pay losses (i.e., had not jumped in over six months and needed to jump to restart their jump pay). So, I ended up going home at 6:00 after a 5:15am manifest call.

I was disappointed, but there will be other opportunities.

Today's run, on the other hand, started out promising, and then I just started to fade. My legs were just tired, which would explain the positive splits, especially in the last split, which is by far the flattest of the course and should be nominally the fastest if I've paced correctly.

Tomorrow will necessitate some wogging, methinks.

1.5 11:31 11:31 07:41
2.1 28:22 16:51 08:01
1.5 40:03 11:41 07:47
2.5 60:00 19:57 07:59 07:52

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