Friday, October 22, 2004

7.2mi, 59:02

Chris Stamey, "Insomnia"
AC/DC, "Thunderstruck"
The Smiths, "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out"

WX at 0600: 57 (14), 55 (13), 30.10R (1019), NNE 3, 93%

Odometer 2: 105mi

Z3 most of the way, which is kind of misleading given the splits involved. I also haven't done this run in a while. In spite only doing a Z3 run, today marks my third fastest time on this course and I wasn't particularly trying to kill myself on this run either.

Today was a run to make up for not running distance in the last few days. I decided to try to grind out about 80 pushups and 80 situps beforehand, but that was largely transparent by the end of mile 3. That's fine, but I need to figure out how to try to get around that in less than ten minutes (part of the conditions of the physical fitness test, which I take Wednesday).

I keep thinking I should probably have done some speedwork before then, but I doubt I'll do it tomorrow and any later than Sunday is probably too late. Just my guess.

1.4 11:36 11:36 08:17
2.0 28:24 16:48 08:24
1.4 39:58 11:34 08:16
2.4 59:02 19:04 07:57

1 comment:

  1. Based on recalculation:
    1.5 11:36 11:36 07:44
    2.1 28:24 16:48 08:00
    1.5 39:58 11:34 07:43
    2.5 59:02 19:04 07:38

    I don't feel so bad about doing what I thought was just a Z3 run and running consistently below 8:00/mi.
