Saturday, July 21, 2007

4.2mi, 38:37, 20 JUL 07, Fort Campbell KY

A medley of songs in the iThink today, to include:
"The All-American Soldier," the song of the 82d Airborne Division
"Rendezvous with Destiny," the song of the 101st Airborne Division
Garryowen, official song of the 7th Cavalry Regiment
Michael Kamen, Band of Brothers Suite No. 2
Michael Kamen, opening credits to From The Earth To The Moon

WX at 0700: 72.0 (22.2) DP 69.1 (20.6) BP 30 (1015) calm light rain RH 91

Odometer 4: 156.2mi


Easy run preceded by about 20 minutes of lifting, primarily shoulder and chest press, lat pulldowns, as well as some abdominal work. I steered clear of the empty Concept2 today...and went out into some humidity, which gave way to glorious hard drizzle. I actually enjoy running in the rain, quite a bit, and as such, today was a good easy slug run.

I'm tapering for a diagnostic physical fitness test on Tuesday, one which is unusual inasmuch as I haven't done much in the way of pushups or situps prior to doing the test. I'm seeing what not just doing those two events will bring me. Instead, that's where things like lifting and spinning on the Concept come to mind.

In the meantime, I've been hitting the weights far more - and I've gotten noticeably stronger, although at the same time, my back and chest have gotten noticeably bigger. This is not necessarily a great thing if my arms don't see commensurate improvement as well since I don't want to have a fire hydrant torso and stick figure arms.

I could tell the difference in shoes between yesterday and today even with less than 200 miles on the other shoes...which honestly have low mileage because of the time in March that I effectively lost to training. Still, these shoes (odometer 4) have some life left in them, which is more than I could say about the others I just retired (odometer 3). Odometer 1 is a pair of Asics GT-2120s, size 9.5x4E. They didn't have size 10x2E which is what I normally get. Still the wide 9.5s seem to work okay.

I couldn't settle on a mantra this morning until the end, when the last one finally settled in - in the last 800m.

0.86 08:32 08:32 09:55 09:55 0.86
0.90 16:47 08:15 09:10 09:32 1.76
1.26 27:49 11:02 08:45 09:13 3.02
1.22 38:37 10:48 08:51 09:06 4.24

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