Touché Amoré, "I'll Be Your Host"
Title Fight, "You Can't Say Kingston Doesn't Love You"
Title Fight, "Loud and Clear"
WX at Noon (16) Mar 31 80 (27) 53 (12) 29.87 (1011) E 5 RH 30
Odometer 20C: 256.6mi
Z3.6. Average/max heart rate = 146/153
Long slow run as I didn't want to go very hard and my timing doesn't really permit me to do a longer run earlier in the day (and it's hot enough where I really don't want to run during the midday).
Lifting earlier today. I didn't do much with the elbow as it was pretty sore the last time I lifted, so I'll get back into physical therapy work again soon.
Deadlift 10/10/10 @70kg
Overhead barbell press 10/8/6 @40kg