Wednesday, June 05, 2013

4.00mi, 34:54, 5 JUN 13, Springfield, Virginia

Cheap Trick, "Mighty Wings"

WX at 05:58 Calm 10.00 Fair CLR 52 51 96% NA NA 30.16 1021.6

Odometer 12C: 303.1mi

Z4. Average/max heart rate = 153/171

It would've been a lost opportunity if I didn't run today. I very seriously thought about sleeping in, but on a day that I knew was going to be good running weather, I had to go. So I did. I felt better, although I'm not sure if it's entirely due to the easier days I've taken on Monday and Tuesday. Tomorrow needs to be a longer run, although I'm rather enjoying the sustained momentum of actually running every day.

I also had occasion last night to go to the Elder's choir recital. There is something about kids performing (and I've noticed this not only for musical performance but also for theater) that tugs at my heartstrings, if only because it's a reminder of when I was younger, and not as jaded or bitter about the world. I was instantly reminded of something I read long, long ago, that had described many of the outcomes of the things that had shaped me in my younger years:

In a quarter hour, he cried away his youth. No matter what else happened, it was gone. If he quit he would have scarred his innocence with the knowledge that he couldn't take it. He knew he would never quit. So he cried instead for his youth. He cried because, with one decision, and after a day that he despised above all others in his life, he had committed himself to at least nine years of orders and abstinence and repression and confinement, worst of all confinement, the inability to decide any large aspect of his life.

And after nine years, if any portion of his happy wildness were to survive, it would be old.

James Webb, A Sense of Honor 

1.00 08:34 08:34 08:34 08:34 1.00
1.00 17:43 09:09 09:09 08:51 2.00
1.00 26:39 08:56 08:56 08:53 3.00
1.00 34:54 08:15 08:15 08:43 4.00

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