Tuesday, December 23, 2008

7.8mi, 62:26, 23 DEC 08, Bagram, Afghanistan

Day 315 of the campaign.

Dos Gringos, "Heat Loves The Cock"
The Pixies, "Alec Eiffel"

WX at 1730: 46 (8) DP 21 (-6) BP 30.15 (1021) NNW 5 haze RH 36

Odometer 4: 23.4mi

Average/max heart rate = 169/182.

This is perimeter run 62.

It's always nice to know the temperature can drop some ten degrees in less than an hour.

Today marked members of the division band walking around playing x-moose carols. I closed the door so I didn't have to hear them from other places. When asked why, I said the sound attenuation from the walls wasn't that good anyway, and anyway, we're doing the same thing on Christmas we do every day - try to take over the world. It's not like the insurgency's taking a break on x-moose, so we might as well take advantage of the cold weather to go after the motherfuckers, hunt them down, and kill them off like rats.

Today started controlled, and I think I was at least partly successful in making sure I didn't go out too fast.

The Pixies song comes from when Trompe Le Monde came out - for whatever reason I always envisioned watching cluster bombs being dropped in train over an airfield when I heard "Alec Eiffel." I'm not sure why. When I ran past some old Soviet revetments for jet fighters, I thought of cluster bombs killing fighters on the ground, and so goes the song.

Once again, first day in about 3 days that I've done anything other than just eat. I realized that when I was starting to regain some of my pear-shaped physique, which is always a telltale sign that I've restarted the Fatass Transformation.

Work may back off in a few weeks, so maybe some recovery might be possible. Maybe.


1.00 07:54 07:54 07:54 07:54 1.00
1.00 16:06 08:12 08:12 08:03 2.00
1.00 24:17 08:11 08:11 08:06 3.00
1.00 32:23 08:06 08:06 08:06 4.00
1.00 40:13 07:50 07:50 08:03 5.00
1.00 48:18 08:05 08:05 08:03 6.00
1.00 56:24 08:06 08:06 08:03 7.00
0.78 62:26 06:02 07:44 08:01 7.78

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