Monday, February 04, 2008

4.9mi, time indeterminate, 3 FEB 08, Nashville TN

iThink: nothing in particular

WX at 1200: 53 DP 46 BP 30.08 (1018.6) SW 12G22

Odometer 1: 105.4mi


It's been a while since I've done two hashes on consecutive days, but it was the case. I was very nearly the FRB, surprisingly after all the suck I ate up the day prior laying my trail. This trail was over quite possibly one of the sportiest places I've ever been in Nashville. To say this place looked rough was really, really a major understatement.

This'll be my last one until I get to Afghanistan, though. It was a good one.

I also blew my annual quota of football since I actually watched most of the Super Bowl, which I didn't really intend to do, but did for want of anything better to do.

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