Thursday, February 21, 2008

~4.5mi, time indeterminate, 21 FEB 08, Bagram, Afghanistan

iThink: None.

WX at 2200: 33 (1) DP 32 (0) BP 30.09 (1019) Calm light rain; mist RH 93

Odometer 1: 135.0mi


I hashed for the first time in a combat zone and was actually well entertained.

I do admit it's kind of weird when there's no real beer, and the hash is a little restrained compared to what I normally do, but it's something to do, and that's better than nothing at all.

I still think seeing people in shorts is weird, especially given the conditions. It was wet, so my clothes got righteously muddy.

I'll see if I can find a photo of the event since I have yet to get a photo of myself now that I'm actually in Afghanistan.

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