Tuesday, September 11, 2007

30 min on elliptical, 11 SEP 07, Clarksville TN

Rob Zombie, "Feel So Numb"

WX at 0700: 66 (19) DP 62 (17) BP 29.95 (1014) NNW 10 mist RH 88 drizzle

Odometer 3: N/A.

Z3 low, average heart rate 149.

Some lifting, after a week off (effectively), I actually seem to have gotten stronger - or maybe it's just the rest allowing my muscles to actually grow back.

Time precluded me from going much longer.

It's perhaps fitting today that I made it a point not to sleep in this morning, as I have the last few days. Inevitably, it's hard not to think about where one was the day of the 9/11/01 attacks; I was a cavalry troop commander at the time in the 82d Airborne Division, and fully expected to go to combat shortly, which didn't happen. I can only conjecture (at the time being on the Division Ready Brigade) that my brigade was being saved for something else.

As I write the campaign plan for a unit that will be committed for the ongoing operations that started in the wake of 9/11/01, the recollections of that time provide a useful touchstone for my efforts.

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