Tuesday, September 09, 2008

7.8mi, 70:12, 9 SEP 08, Bagram, Afghanistan

Still day 210 of the campaign.

iThink: Hilary Duff, "Wake Up" (yes.)

WX at 2230: 68 (20) DP 41 (5) BP 30.00 (1016) W 3 RH 37

Odometer 2: 283.6mi

Average/max heart rate = 158/179.

This is perimeter run 42.

I decided to do something daring, I actually ran twice in a row - something I haven't done in a while. I had a few hours to kill, so I decided to try to knock out a run while I still could. Unfortunately, I starting having acid reflux-like symptoms about a third of the way through the run and I felt like I was going to woof. I didn't, but it was awful close. I suppose I would've run faster than 70 minutes had I not stopped to almost spew, but I'm more gratified that I actually worked out two days in a row and I might actually have some fighting chance to beat the lard monster.

Today warranted a run of this nature, though. There's nothing like working on two orders, going in front of the commanding general, and then his pointing out some truly bush league mistakes. I was livid, but not at him, by any stretch. I know it's going to be a bad day when the first word I utter when I get to my desk is "fuck!" The rest of the day followed suit.

1.00 08:35 08:35 08:35 08:35 1.00
1.00 17:29 08:54 08:54 08:45 2.00
1.00 26:23 08:54 08:54 08:48 3.00
1.00 35:37 09:14 09:14 08:54 4.00
1.00 44:34 08:57 08:57 08:55 5.00
1.00 53:43 09:09 09:09 08:57 6.00
1.00 63:27 09:44 09:44 09:04 7.00
0.74 70:12 06:45 09:07 09:04 7.74

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