Sunday, July 07, 2024

6.66mi on dreadmill+lift, 79:55, 7 JUL 24, Fort Belvoir, Virginia

Crystal Castles, "Sad Eyes"
Tommy Keene, "Running For Your Life"
The Smiths, "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out"

WX at 8 PM (0) Jul 07 90.0 (32.2) 66.4 (19.1) 29.96 (1014) SSE 3

Odometer 24: 294.4mi

TE 2.7/0.0 out. Average/max heart rate = 139 /148

Lifting - which is improving as I'm getting incrementally stronger, but followed by 6.66mi of dreadmill at 12:00/mi pace. The goal for today was to burn lard after mobility work. To ensure that I'm not woken up in the middle of the night, I made sure to do my usual stretching afterwards. Fingers crossed.

I briefly thought about running outside, but realized I needed to lift, so lift + dreadmill it was.

Lifting today:
Barbell Deadlift 10/10/10 @135
Military Press 10/10/10 @75
Linear Leg press 15/15/15 @370
Lat Pulldown 10/10/10 @120
Alternating dumbbell bench press 7 @30, 6/5 @35
Alternating dumbbell row 10/10/10 @35

1.00 12:02 12:02 12:02 12:02 1.00
1.00 24:07 12:05 12:05 12:03 2.00
1.00 36:07 12:00 12:00 12:02 3.00
1.00 48:08 12:01 12:01 12:02 4.00
1.00 00:09 12:01 12:01 12:02 5.00
1.00 12:09 12:00 12:00 12:01 6.00
0.66 19:55 07:46 11:46 12:00 6.66

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