Sunday, July 14, 2024

6.66mi on dreadmill+lift, 77:18, 14 JUL 24, Fort Belvoir, Virginia

Illusive Mind, "Digital Revolution"
Crystal Castles, "Not In Love"
Alvvays, "Forever"

WX at 6 PM (22) Jul 14 97.2 (36.2) 63.1 (17.3) 29.92 (1013) S 6

Odometer 24: 327.0mi

TE 3.9/0.9 out. Average/max heart rate = 140/157

Lifting getting stronger in general, but the leg press might've been a bit more addition than was warranted as I didn't think 400 was going to be that hard. Run started slow but I was trying hard to run below threshold. Today was most definitely not in zone 2 and I need to do that tomorrow. The residual knee pain is something I need to pay attention to. Today might've been a bit too hard.

Lifting today:
Military Press 10/10/10 @75
Barbell Row 10/10/10 @85
Linear Leg press 15/12/10 @400
Alternating dumbbell bench press 7/6/5 @35
Alternating dumbbell row 10/10/10 @35
Single-arm standing cable fly 10/10 @15
Barbell Deadlift 10/10/10 @155
Lat Pulldown 10/10/8 @120

1.00 11:40 11:40 11:40 11:40 1.00
1.00 23:24 11:44 11:44 11:42 2.00
1.00 35:16 11:52 11:52 11:45 3.00
1.00 46:56 11:40 11:40 11:44 4.00
1.00 58:34 11:38 11:38 11:43 5.00
1.00 67:34 09:00 09:00 11:16 6.00
0.66 77:18 09:44 14:45 11:36 6.66

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