Wednesday, June 26, 2024

6.66mi+lift, 88:42, 26 JUN 24, Carlisle, Pennsylvania

Crystal Castles, "Sad Eyes"
Crystal Castles, "Doe Deer"

WX at 9 PM (1) Jun 26 75.9 (24.4) 69.1 (20.6) 29.71 (1006) W 5 RH 79

Odometer 24: 242.3mi

TE 2.5/0.0 out. Average/max heart rate = 137/150

Lifted a few hours before the run because my back is bothering me. Almost all of my stuff is on its way into storage, but I have time to kill, so I'm actually going for a few runs before I leave, contrary to what I thought last week. Today was rough, although the last two days I haven't gotten much sleep, and it was also after lifting, so going for my usual 6.66mi was probably slower for good reason.

Lifting today:
Barbell Deadlift 10/10/10 @135/135/135
Military Press 10@65, 10/10 @70
Landmine Squat 10/10/10/10 @90
Alternating dumbbell bench press 8/7/6 @30
Alternating dumbbell row 12/12/12 @30
Lat Pulldown 10/10/10 @95
GHD situp 15/15/12

1.63 21:19 21:19 13:05 13:05 1.63
1.19 37:40 16:21 13:44 13:21 2.82
2.19 66:30 28:50 13:10 13:16 5.01
1.65 88:42 22:12 13:27 13:19 6.66

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