Thursday, June 28, 2007

4.43mi, 37:31, 28 JUN 07, Fort Campbell KY

Dinbot, "Hot Buttered Bizkits" (a very entertaining mashup of Hot Butter's "Popcorn" and Limp Bizkit's "Nookie")

WX at 0700: 73.6 (23.1) DP 70.5 (21.4) BP 30.11 (1019) Calm mist RH 90

Odometer 4: 125.7mi


Today was a day of less deliberate effort, and so I was not trying to run all that fast.

I need to vet my GPS readings as my transmitter was showing low battery. The usual error induced by the receiver around power lines also makes me leery - or as I once read, "Those who use GPS altitude to aid in landing their small plane should have their insurance policies paid up at all times."

Back when I was still a shooter in the 82d Imperial, I had occasion once to rip some lieutenant's ass over his inability to navigate using map and terrain orientation. Turns out he was dependent on his GPS for knowing where he was. I asked him very pointedly where he was, and although he was sitting on a trail that happened to be less than 200m away from a major road (one which was on the map) and a recognizable intersection, he couldn't locate himself. Not acceptable. I talked to his battery commander afterwards about that issue and my resultant ire. The other reason I don't trust GPS by itself was my experience of getting LLMF(*) in Brussels with a GPS to help me get lost. Consequently, I will have to do this run again on some easy day.

Then I did some abdominal work. I will be sore tomorrow. I did my first ab work in a few months, and my stomach started to cramp. Bad, bad, bad!

(* LLMF = Lost Like a MotherFucker)

0.20 01:51 01:51 09:15 09:15 0.20
0.86 09:27 07:36 08:50 08:55 1.06
0.90 16:58 07:31 08:22 08:40 1.96
1.26 27:18 10:20 08:13 08:29 3.22
1.22 37:31 10:13 08:24 08:28 4.43

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