Monday, April 10, 2006

11.9mi, 1:45:11, 10 APR 06, COB Speicher IZ

Limp Bizkit and DMX, “Rollin” (remix)
Rush, “Cold Fire”
50 Foot Wave, “Hot Pink, Distorted”

WX at 0700: 59, DP 45, BP 29.97, 1@50 clear
WX at 0800: 63, DP 43, BP 29.99, 3@variable haze
WX at 0900: 68, DP 45, BP 30.00, 3@variable haze

Odometer 1: 176.7mi


Today was an exercise in seeing just how fast I could go at what I considered race pace. I ran this one alone, which I think was important. It was a key piece to not being tied to someone else’s pace, and I think it paid off. For the most part, I think the reduced times on the HOD (Highway-O-Death) legs (specifically HOD to CSD/PX) was attributable to being tired (and not starting glycogen regenesis yet) as well as having to come off the road to avoid getting hit by oncoming traffic. Apart from that, the stretches where there was no traffic was promising as I didn’t have to switch to gravel to pavement continuously.

Afterwards I was so tired that I got back in bed and went to sleep. That’s an indicator...

0.38 0:03:06 03:06 08:09 08:09 0.38 Dirtball
0.30 0:05:40 02:34 08:33 08:20 0.68 x at Strike
0.87 0:13:22 07:42 08:51 08:37 1.55 thru rotary to HOD
0.30 0:16:06 02:44 09:07 08:42 1.85 x at HOD
1.31 0:27:52 11:46 08:59 08:49 3.16 HOD to Pax Turnoff
1.36 0:39:17 11:25 08:24 08:41 4.52 HOD to Corner
0.77 0:45:45 06:28 08:24 08:39 5.29 LSA South
1.01 0:54:23 08:38 08:33 08:38 6.30 Bunker
1.01 1:03:12 08:49 08:44 08:39 7.31 LSA South
0.77 1:09:37 06:25 08:20 08:37 8.08 Corner
1.36 1:20:55 11:18 08:19 08:34 9.44 HOD to Pax Turnoff
1.31 1:32:42 11:47 09:00 08:37 10.75 HOD to CSD/PX
0.30 1:35:22 02:40 08:53 08:38 11.05 x at HOD
0.87 1:42:48 07:26 08:33 08:51 11.62 HOD to Strike
0.27 1:45:11 02:23 08:50 08:51 11.89 Strike to Back Start

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