Tuesday, September 21, 2004

7.2mi, 65:53

Marilyn Manson, "The Beautiful People" (Full Metal Jacket Remix)
The Smiths, "Rusholme Ruffians"
The Police, "Truth Hits Everybody"
The Police, "Synchronicity I"

WX at time:53(12), DP 50(10), BP 30.27(1025), winds N 2, RH 87%

Odometer 2: 47mi

Z1 throughout. Average heart rate was about 150 throughout, which was the goal. A nice, slow, fat-burning run.

I realized the reason why my 2.4 splits are disproportionately faster today when I realized there is a huge straightaway on pavement that happens to be very slightly downhill. I may do this again tomorrow before going hard on Thursday instead of doing a straight on-off cycle.

1.4: 13:21 [9:32]
2.0: 31:48 (18:26) [9:13]
1.4: 44:50 (13:02) [9:18]
2.4: 65:53 (21:03) [8:46]


  1. Synchronicity, like the Police Academy Movies, was so much better than its sequel (you know, except there were only two, and they both were awesome)...

  2. ...Because most dumbass Americans will check their intellect at the door and watch some pedestrian crap on the big screen or off the glass tit. (e.g., Friends (and even more so, Joey)...or in this instance whatever abuses of celluloid that the Police Academy sequels ended up on.)

    As far as I'm concerned, the Police's last legitimate studio album was Synchronicity...

  3. fair enough; Sting is also a walking object lesson in the fact that if no one calls you an asshole to your face once in a while, you'll only get worse... also in the fact that a whole lot of assholes are a whole lot richer than I'll ever be...
