Touché Amoré, "I'll Be Your Host"
WX at 9 PM (1) Sep 28 64.0 (17.8) 48.9 (9.4) 30.26 (1024) N 9 RH 58
Odometer 21B: 292.6mi
Z2.8/0.0 in. Average/max heart rate = 138/149 Z2.7/0.0 out. Average/max heart rate = 148/159
First exercise in a week as I've been buried grading papers. My back hurts from not having done anything but squats and deadlifts are inducing sharp pain in the knees too, so that's not so awesome. What is awesome is the weather, though. I did notice some cramping in my calves on the way back, which is unusual.
Lifting today:
Hex bar deadlift 10/10/10 @170
Hex bar overhead press 10/10/10 @60
Lat Pulldown 10/10/10 @90
Plate-loaded leg press 20/20/20 @180
1.98 21:06 21:06 10:39 10:39 1.98
1.96 43:54 22:48 11:38 11:09 3.94
1.98 21:06 21:06 10:39 10:39 1.98
1.96 43:54 22:48 11:38 11:09 3.94