Wednesday, March 19, 2025

4.27mi, 56:34, 19 MAR 25, Lorton, Virginia

Network Music Ensemble, Energy (160 bpm)

WX at 8 PM (0) Mar 19 64.2 (17.9) 32.9 (0.5) 29.87 (1011) ESE 8 RH 30
Odometer 25A: 223.5mi
TE 2.4/0.0. Exercise Load 46. Average/max heart rate = 128/137

Easy recovery run - legs were definitely tired, so this is mostly to work them out easy today rather than a Do Nothing But Eat Day.

2.16 29:08 29:08 13:29 13:29 2.16
2.11 56:34 27:26 13:00 13:15 4.27

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

7.73mi, 85:41, 18 MAR 25, Lorton, Virginia

Darude, Sandstorm (136 bpm)
The Cult, She Sells Sanctuary (139 bpm)

WX at 8 PM (0) Mar 18 57.4 (14.1) 21.9 (-5.6) 30.01 (1016) Calm RH 25
Odometer 25A: 219.2mi
TE 4.2/0.0. Exercise Load 177. Average/max heart rate = 144/155

First run after an unintentionally long break. This did not feel like what my watch was supposedly recording. Not sure what to think of that, although maybe if I was more conscientious, I would put on my HRM-Tri to get a more accurate HRM reading and other analytics.

Weather was about as good as it gets. So I went. Negative downhill splits, wheeeee! Seriously, though, I need to run LSD and this was far too hard for LSD.

2.06 23:31 23:31 11:25 11:25 2.06
1.80 44:10 20:39 11:28 11:27 3.86
1.80 63:38 19:28 10:49 11:15 5.66
2.07 85:41 22:03 10:39 11:05 7.73

Thursday, March 13, 2025

5.0mi, 52:46, 12 MAR 25, Lorton, Virginia

Philip Glass, Songs From Liquid Days: No 2. Lightning (100bpm)

WX at 7 PM (23) Mar 13 51.4 (10.8) 39.7 (4.3) 29.99 (1015) Calm RH 64
Odometer 25A: 216.5mi
TE 4.3/0.0. Exercise Load 183. Average/max heart rate = 145/162

I waited a while inadvertently to run. Start was a little chilly but I felt strong, and then I ran a PB for the mile, fastest I've run in a long while. I was surprised but gratified for sure.

2.51 27:57 27:57 11:08 11:08 2.51
2.49 52:46 24:49 09:58 10:33 5.00

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

4.31mi, 53:13, 11 MAR 25, Lorton, Virginia

d3admau5, There Might Be Coffee (128bpm)
Limp Bizkit, Rollin' (Air Raid Vehicle) (96 bpm)

WX at 7 PM (23) Mar 11 66.6 (19.2) 31.5 (-0.3) 29.69 (1005) ESE 6 RH 26
Odometer 25A: 215.8mi
TE 3.0/0.0. Exercise Load 73. Average/max heart rate = 132/141

Jesus titty fucking christ dead legs. Tomorrow's a rest day.

As could be expected, faster return leg, partly because of downhill, but partly because of warmup.

2.19 27:32 27:32 12:34 12:34 2.19
2.12 53:13 25:41 12:07 12:21 4.31

Monday, March 10, 2025

6.04mi, 70:03, 10 MAR 25, Lorton, Virginia

Above and Beyond feat. Oceanlab, On A Good Day (Daniel Kandi mix) (138 bpm)
George Sanger, Goal Line: Defending the Claw (82 bpm)

WX at 7 PM (23) Mar 10 61.2 (16.2) 24.1 (-4.4) 29.8 (1009) SE 5 RH 23
Odometer 25A: 211.5mi
TE 3.5/0.0. Exercise Load 117. Average/max heart rate = 134/141

I felt pretty tired and my legs certainly were feeling tired, but I was running surprisingly quickly at the end (q.v. the significant drop in mile pace in leg 4) for having cranked out 6 today and the punishing trail run of two days ago.

1.84 21:55 21:55 11:55 11:55 1.84
1.19 35:58 14:03 11:48 11:52 3.03
1.18 50:17 14:19 12:08 11:57 4.21
1.83 70:03 19:46 10:48 11:36 6.04

Saturday, March 08, 2025

7.23mi, 87:43, 8 MAR 25, Lorton, Virginia

The Get Up Kids, Ten Minutes (170 bpm)
The Get Up Kids, Central Standard Time 7" (136 bpm)

WX at 1 PM (18) Mar 08 51 (11) 21 (-6) 29.78 (1008) NW 23G30 RH 29
Odometer 25A: 205.5mi
TE 4.1/0.0. Exercise Load 159. Average/max heart rate = 140/149

First time running the trails near my house. I did not expect to run almost the entirety of the trail network and I'm pretty sure my legs are going to remind me of it for a day or two. The wind was kicking today.

0.77 08:43 08:43 11:19 11:19 0.77
5.77 79:31 10:48 12:16 12:10 6.54
0.69 87:43 08:12 11:53 12:08 7.23

Thursday, March 06, 2025

5.04mi, 58:47, 6 MAR 25, Lorton, Virginia

Mark Darnell, In The Age Of Steam (144bpm)
The Killers, Run For Cover (165bpm)

WX at 6 PM (23) Mar 06 41.0 (5.0) 23.4 (-4.8) 29.63 (1003) WNW 22G29 RH 49
Odometer 25A: 198.2mi
TE 3.3/0.0. Exercise Load 100. Average/max heart rate = 134/151

First run along this route, taking the Cross-County Trail almost to its southern terminus at Occoqan River Park. Long downhill on the outbound meant a long ascent on the return.

Super-windy so I wore full sweatgear, which was about the right call. I was surprised I wasn't sucking worse on the uphill as my initial ascent seemed to be holding at about 132-135bpm, which I did not expect. Beginning was a bit harder than otherwise because it was so chilly. I was fully warmed up at the end, which might explain the burst of speed relative to a run of that perceived intensity.

1.70 19:44 19:44 11:36 11:36 1.70
0.82 28:37 08:53 10:50 11:21 2.52
0.82 39:10 10:33 12:52 11:44 3.34
1.70 58:47 19:37 11:32 11:40 5.04

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

6.79mi, 80:06, 4 MAR 25, Lorton, Virginia

Above & Beyond feat. Oceanlab, On A Good Day (136bpm)
Dos Gringos, Going In For Guns (live) (120bpm)

WX at 7 PM (0) Mar 04 53.6 (12.0) 26.6 (-3.0) 30.01 (1016) Calm RH 34
Odometer 25A: 193.2mi
TE 3.8/0.0. Exercise Load 132. Average/max heart rate = 137/147

Another run I didn't feel like doing but glad I did at the end. As usual, there are no flat courses around here, so even if I want to go easy, I am going to climb and descend.

Weather was good today, and I felt stronger than I would've otherwise, based on my splits.

1.84 22:26 22:26 12:12 12:12 1.84
1.56 40:39 18:13 11:41 11:57 3.40
1.55 59:17 18:38 12:01 11:59 4.95
1.84 80:06 20:49 11:19 11:48 6.79

Sunday, March 02, 2025

6.78mi, 77:52, 2 MAR 25, Lorton, Virginia

Peter Gabriel, Red Rain (113bpm)
Sugarcult, Dead Living (160bpm)

WX at 5 PM (22) Mar 02 38.3 (3.5) 1.8 (-16.8) 30.14 (1020) NW 10 RH 21
Odometer 25A: 186.4mi
TE 3.9/0.0. Exercise Load 147. Average/max heart rate = 141/149

Today started easy and finished fast, far faster than I expected. I was chilly at first given the weather so I probably went out a little harder than normal, but the return I was holding stronger speed than I expected and decided to push it a bit to see how it would feel. It was faster than expected.

1.39 16:01 16:01 11:31 11:31 1.39
2.00 39:41 23:40 11:50 11:42 3.39
1.56 58:48 19:07 12:15 11:53 4.95
1.83 77:52 19:04 10:25 11:29 6.78

Friday, February 28, 2025

7.71mi, 93:35, 28 FEB 25, Lorton, Virginia

Kinetica & Dreamy, Remember Me (Original Mix) (140bpm)
New Model Army, Poison Street (172bpm)
XTC, The Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead (123bpm)

WX at 7 PM (0) Feb 28 51.4 (10.8) 22.6 (-5.2) 29.72 (1006) SE 5 RH 32
Odometer 25A: 179.4mi
TE 3.7/0.0. Exercise Load 136. Average/max heart rate = 138/152

Easy run as I didn't want to push it and I wasn't sure how I was going to feel. I felt better by the end.

I am aghast at the US selling out Ukraine in the news today. Trump probably won't live long enough to face the consequences of this, but America's reputation as a guarantor of freedom was irrevocably tarnished. The American flag used to stand for something. I'm not sure what now.

1.37 16:19 16:19 11:55 11:55 1.37
1.17 31:09 14:50 12:41 12:16 2.54
1.31 47:34 16:25 12:32 12:21 3.85
1.34 64:06 16:32 12:20 12:21 5.19
1.14 77:16 13:10 11:33 12:12 6.33
1.38 93:35 16:19 11:49 12:08 7.71

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

5.0mi, 62:39, 26 FEB 25, Lorton, Virginia

The Get Up Kids, Shorty (111bpm)
The Get Up Kids, Woodson (102bpm)

WX at 7 PM (0) Feb 26 55.4 (13.0) 35.4 (1.9) 29.9 (1012) SE 6 RH 47
Odometer 25A: 176.7mi
TE 3.0/0.1. Exercise Load 77. Average/max heart rate = 125/140

I was going to run 7, and then when I started, my legs were so dead that running anything much more than I did would've been super injudicious.

It's supposed to rain tomorrow, so it'll be a rest day tomorrow. Holy shit dead legs.

5.00 62:39 02:39 12:32 12:32 5.00

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

6.66mi, 82:37, 25 FEB 25, Lorton, Virginia

The Get Up Kids, Ten Minutes (170bpm)
Philip Glass, Songs From Liquid Days: No 2. Lightning (100bpm)
Dentist, New Dress (170bpm)

WX at 7 PM (0) Feb 25 61.0 (16.1) 30.2 (-1.0) 29.75 (1007) NW 7 RH 31
Odometer 25A: 171.7mi
TE 3.4/0.1. Exercise Load 103. Average/max heart rate = 133/154

The watch said to take a rest day. But it's the warmest day of the year so far, so I decided to get a run in anyway.

Went very easy as I knew I didn't want to overtrain TOO much.

1.37 16:53 16:53 12:19 12:19 1.37
1.16 31:50 14:57 12:53 12:35 2.53
0.81 42:03 10:13 12:37 12:35 3.34
0.81 52:10 10:07 12:29 12:34 4.15
1.17 66:00 13:50 11:49 12:24 5.32
1.34 82:37 16:37 12:24 12:24 6.66

Monday, February 24, 2025

6.66mi on dreadmill, 75:31, 24 FEB 25, Lorton, Virginia

Nothing as I was watching the film Battle of Algiers while I was running.

WX at 11 PM (4) Feb 24 40.3 (4.6) 28.2 (-2.1) 29.9 (1012) Calm
Odometer 25A: 165.0mi
TE 4.3/0.0. Exercise Load 177. Average/max heart rate = 141/150

Late start. But I got my 6.66 in. Then I did leg curls and leg extensions, resulting in some of the most crippling hamstring cramps I've ever had. Better now, though.

I didn't feel like I was going very hard, in spite of the training effect rating - I set the speed for 5.3mph as I was looking to burn lard. Heart rate was higher than might've been prudent for the first dreadmill run in a while.

Holy crap is Battle of Algiers a powerful movie. Never seen it until now.

1.00 11:27 11:27 11:27 11:27 1.00
1.00 22:47 11:20 11:20 11:23 2.00
1.00 34:07 11:20 11:20 11:22 3.00
1.00 45:29 11:22 11:22 11:22 4.00
1.00 56:46 11:17 11:17 11:21 5.00
1.00 68:03 11:17 11:17 11:20 6.00
0.66 75:31 07:28 11:19 11:20 6.66

Friday, February 21, 2025

10,000m on Concept2 Model D, 45:35.5, 19 FEB 25, Lorton, Virginia

 iThink: none as I was watching the first Buffalo Bandits the Army-Yale lacrosse game from earlier today.

WX at 7 PM (0) Feb 21     33.1 (0.6)     10.8 (-11.8)     30.4 (1029)     WNW 13     

Odometer 14B: 411.0mi
TE 3.6/0.0   Exercise load 120.  Average/max heart rate 138/156

Rowing again instead of running outside in sub-freezing temperatures. I felt better today, or at least faster as yesterday was a rest day. I am getting stronger, admittedly, but there's some specificity at hand with the erg.

Distance:    10000
Time:    45:35.5
Avg/500m:    02:16.8
Drag Factor:    110
Per Mile:    00:07:20

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

10,000m on Concept2 Model D, 46:36.6, 19 FEB 25, Lorton, Virginia

 iThink: none as I was watching the Army-Yale lacrosse game from earlier today.

WX at      6 PM (23) Feb 19     23.7 (-4.6)     13.3 (-10.4)     30.27 (1025)     SSW 3     

Odometer 14B: 411.0mi
TE 3.7/0.0   Exercise load 124.  Average/max heart rate 139/156

Rowing instead of running outside in sub-freezing temperatures since my cold is still not completely gone. Was watching Army put a clinic on Yale...score was 11-3 about a third of the way thru the 3rd quarter when I finished. Not awesome, but that wasn't the goal - doing something substantive was the goal, which I did.

Distance:    10000
Time:    46:36.6
Avg/500m:    02:19.8
Drag Factor:    106
Per Mile:    00:07:30

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

4.61mi, 52:22, 18 FEB 25, Lorton, Virginia

For Against, "The Pennines" (165bpm)

WX at 6 PM (23) Feb 18 34.2 (1.2) 0.1 (-17.7) 30.26 (1024) NW 7 RH 22 WC 28 (-2)
Odometer 25A: 157.9mi
TE 3.6/0.0. Exercise Load 117. Average/max heart rate = 138/147

Maintaining momentum. Today was cold, not the least of which because of the wind chill, but also, it is going to get colder tonight, so I needed to get this in ASAP.

Astoundingly, the VO2 max rating of 40 is holding, against all odds.

1.38 15:54 15:54 11:31 11:31 1.38
1.13 29:22 13:28 11:55 11:42 2.51
2.10 52:22 23:00 10:57 11:22 4.61

Monday, February 17, 2025

4.21mi, 50:53, 17 FEB 25, Lorton, Virginia

Kyle Richards, "Jester" from the PC video game Terminal Velocity (124bpm)

WX at 6 PM (23) Feb 17 39.4 (4.1) 5.5 (-14.7) 30.06 (1017) WNW 9 RH 23
Odometer 25A: 153.3mi
TE 3.3/0.0. Exercise Load 85. Average/max heart rate = 139/149

First workout in 11 days. Snow was one reason, having a terrible sinus cold was another. I went deliberately easy as I don't want to get sick again, but I got the first warning of "you are turning into a fat piece of shit" yesterday in earnest and I felt like I couldn't bag it off any further. Negative splits are partly from the usual rough start and the fact that most of the return was downhill.

Not sure I buy off on my VO2 max rating of 40, but I'll see how I feel later this week as I want to try to get in a consistent 4 or so a day.

2.11 26:30 26:30 12:34 12:34 2.11
2.10 50:53 24:23 11:37 12:05 4.21

Thursday, February 06, 2025

10,000m on Concept2 Model D, 45:05.7, 6 FEB 25, Lorton, Virginia

 iThink: none as I was watching episode 6 of Deutschland 83.

WX at 7 PM (0) Feb 06     43.7 (6.5)     39.2 (4.0)     29.83 (1010)     Calm     

Odometer 14B: 411.0mi
TE 3.6/0.0   Exercise load 128.  Average/max heart rate 138/153

First erg in a bit since the weather improved. I took too long getting out the door and ended up rowing instead of running in the dark. This was suitable to task but the Garmin is still saying I'm overtrained. I still think my HRV baseline was off at start and that's probably a reason why.

Distance:    10000
Time:    45:05.7
Avg/500m:    02:15.3
Drag Factor:    101
Per Mile:    00:07:15

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

7.68mi, 87:44, 4 FEB 25, Lorton, Virginia

Sugarcult, Dead Living (160bpm)

WX at 7 PM (0) Feb 04 46.9 (8.3) 22.1 (-5.5) 30.21 (1023) NW 7 RH 37
Odometer 25A: 149.1mi
TE 3.9/0.1. Exercise Load 151. Average/max heart rate = 133/148

Today was maybe ill-advised as I went long two days in a row, but there's snow forecasted for tomorrow, so I'm putting this in now to get something in before taking tomorrow off. I was trying to run more fluidly but I'm sure my knees are going to act up Real Soon Now.

I was surprised that my HRM was reading what it was -- I felt like I was definitely working harder than the HRM would suggest (and certainly running negative splits on something this long is another factor). My heart rate variability has been low for a few days now, although I think I'm going to chalk that up to a bad baseline since apart from today, I don't think I've been overtraining.

1.34 15:29 15:29 11:33 11:33 1.34
1.17 29:44 14:15 12:11 11:51 2.51
1.31 45:12 15:28 11:48 11:50 3.82
1.31 60:03 14:51 11:20 11:42 5.13
1.17 72:44 12:41 10:50 11:33 6.30
1.38 87:44 15:00 10:52 11:25 7.68

Monday, February 03, 2025

6.66mi, 76:42, 3 FEB 25, Lorton, Virginia

Y. Takada, "Primitive ~Origin~ (Hero's Theme)" (~144bpm)

WX at 6 PM (23) Feb 03 48.6 (9.2) 38.8 (3.8) 29.92 (1013) Calm RH 69
Odometer 25A: 142.4mi
TE 3.9/0.0. Exercise Load 154. Average/max heart rate = 142/154

First time running off pavement, doing my standard 6.66 run around my house. I deliberately was not going hard, but the uphill sections were still pretty challenging as I was trying not to go too deep into zone 3/4. Conditions were pleasant, helped a bit by the higher humidity today rather than what is usually the case in the winter. In spite of not going as hard as I thought, the times were better than the last time I had a recorded run, which I chalk up to not training as hard, not necessarily being in actually better shape. I need to start building base again as I have started to chunk out very slightly.

I do need to get more disciplined about stretching as my hamstrings and achilles tendon were definitely acting up.

1.67 19:07 19:07 11:27 11:27 1.67
1.66 38:15 19:08 11:32 11:29 3.33
1.66 57:14 18:59 11:26 11:28 4.99
1.67 76:42 19:28 11:39 11:31 6.66

Saturday, February 01, 2025

7.71mi, 92:29, 1 FEB 25, Lorton, Virginia

Sugarcult, Dead Living (160bpm)
Network Music Ensemble, Energy (160 bpm)

WX at 4 PM (21) Feb 01 48.0 (8.9) 14.7 (-9.6) 30.26 (1024) N 8 RH 26
Odometer 25A: 135.7mi
TE 3.7/0.0. Exercise Load 129. Average/max heart rate = 135/148

Where the fuck did January go?

Deliberately easy run today. This felt okay, although my hamstrings are very tight afterwards. Didn't realize both iThinks had the same BPM. If it works, it works.

1.37 16:50 16:50 12:17 12:17 1.37
1.18 31:53 15:03 12:45 12:30 2.55
1.30 48:09 16:16 12:31 12:30 3.85
1.34 64:01 15:52 11:50 12:20 5.19
1.15 76:52 12:51 11:10 12:07 6.34
1.37 92:29 15:37 11:24 12:00 7.71

Thursday, January 30, 2025

7.74mi, 89:08, 30 JAN 25, Lorton, Virginia

Waterflame, Lines Fading (160 bpm)

WX at 5 PM (22) Jan 30 50.5 (10.3) 21.7 (-5.7) 30.17 (1021) SE 7 RH 31
Odometer 25A: 128.0mi
TE 3.8/0.0. Exercise Load 142. Average/max heart rate = 142/158

First run in fuckin' forever. Didn't want to go too hard, but I did at times. But it felt good to get out there. Knee pain on the medial side of the left knee at start for the first two miles, hip pain in the right rear in the last mile.

1.37 16:10 16:10 11:48 11:48 1.37
1.17 30:11 14:01 11:59 11:53 2.54
1.32 45:32 15:21 11:38 11:48 3.86
1.33 60:26 14:54 11:12 11:39 5.19
1.16 73:11 12:45 10:59 11:31 6.35
1.39 89:08 15:57 11:28 11:31 7.74

Monday, January 27, 2025

10,000m on Concept2 Model D, 46:17.7, 27 JAN 25, Lorton, Virginia

 iThink: none as I was watching the Toronto Rock at the Calgary Roughnecks.

WX at 10 PM (3) Jan 27     28.9 (-1.7)     22.3 (-5.4)     29.76 (1007)     Calm     

Odometer 14B: 411.0mi
TE 3.6/0.3   Exercise load 125.  Average/max heart rate 137/162

A surprisingly strong pull today even after going harder than I expected yesterday. What particularly pleased me was the really hard finish that I was able to hold in the last 500m - I started accelerating from 2:08 at that point and was going under 1:59/500m by the end.

Distance:    10000
Time:    46:17.7
Avg/500m:    02:18.9
Drag Factor:    108
Per Mile:    00:07:27

Sunday, January 26, 2025

8,000m on Concept2 Model D, 35:27.2, 26 JAN 25, Lorton, Virginia

 iThink: none as I was watching episode 4 of Deutschland 83.

WX at 9 PM (2) Jan 26     29.5 (-1.4)     22.8 (-5.1)     30.17 (1021)     Calm     

Odometer 14B: 411.0mi
TE 3.6/0.1   Exercise load 128.  Average/max heart rate 143/154

I decided to cap my distance at 8km. I went faster than I expected and that was pretty good, but I've also taken a few days off that I probably should have been working.

Still better than nothing.

Distance:    8000
Time:    35:27.2
Avg/500m:    02:13.0
Drag Factor:    104
Per Mile:    00:07:08

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

10,000m on Concept2 Model D, 45:10.7, 22 JAN 25, Lorton, Virginia

 iThink: none as I was watching episode 3 of Deutschland 83.

WX at 9 PM (2) Jan 22     12.6 (-10.8)     -1.8 (-18.8)     30.48 (1032)     Calm     

Odometer 14B: 411.0mi
TE 3.6/0.2   Exercise load 131.  Average/max heart rate 139/157

I have misplaced the fob for the gym at my housing subdivision. I am very much discomfited. In lieu of running, I cranked out 10km on the erg and am somewhat mollified as I was keeping faster pace than I expected at my level of fitness.

Distance:    10000
Time:    45:10.7
Avg/500m:    02:15.5
Drag Factor:    108
Per Mile:    00:07:16

Sunday, January 19, 2025

15,000m on Concept2 Model D, 93:26, 19 JAN 25, Lorton, Virginia

iThink: none as I was watching the Philadephia Wings at the Buffalo Bandits.

WX at      8 PM (1) Jan 19     31.5 (-0.3)     24.8 (-4.0)     29.85 (1010)     NW 16     light precipitation

Odometer 14B: 411.0mi
TE 3.2/0.0   Exercise load 92.  Average/max heart rate 131/149

My ass is still sore even after using the super-thick seat cushion. Just not as much as before, though. Exercise load feels low for relative effort but this is also a very different exercise than just running.

Average speed slowed since I was stopping to skip through the commercial breaks as before. I was pretty happy to be able to hold 2:14/500m in the last few thousand meters.

Distance:    15000
Time:    1:13:26.0
Avg/500m:    02:26.9
Drag Factor:    104
Per Mile:    00:07:53

Friday, January 17, 2025

6.66mi on dreadmill, 76:30, 17 JAN 25, Lorton, Virginia

Alvvays, After the Earthquake (166 bpm)
The Get Up Kids, Ten Minutes (170bpm)
Michael Tsukerman and Robert Gitelman, Bolivia (Onova Remix) (140bpm)
Sascha Collisson, Ablaze (176bpm)

WX at 10 PM (3) Jan 17 34.9 (1.6) 22.8 (-5.1) 30.11 (1019) SE 6 WC 30 (-1)
Odometer 25A: 120.3mi
TE 4.0/0.0. Exercise Load 170. Average/max heart rate = 140/147

I should've gone easier, but I wanted to finish faster. I need to run SLOW tomorrow and properly recover. The Forerunner 955 is saying I am overtraining. My acute and chronic exercise load is about right, but I haven't been getting enough sleep, so hoping to catch up on that this weekend.

1.00 11:32 11:32 11:32 11:32 1.00
1.00 23:05 11:33 11:33 11:33 2.00
1.00 34:37 11:32 11:32 11:32 3.00
1.00 46:10 11:33 11:33 11:33 4.00
1.00 57:42 11:32 11:32 11:32 5.00
1.00 69:01 11:19 11:19 11:30 6.00
0.66 76:30 07:29 11:20 11:29 6.66

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

8.0mi on dreadmill, 91:18, 15 JAN 25, Lorton, Virginia

None as I was watching Bubba Ho-Tep while I was running easy.

WX at 9 PM (2) Jan 15 26.1 (-3.3) 6.6 (-14.1) 30.29 (1025) NW 7
Odometer 25A: 113.2mi
TE 4.0/0.0. Exercise Load 171. Average/max heart rate = 138/148

Easy run, 8 miles on the dreadmill to burn lard. Not bad and I even got a movie out of it!

1.00 11:35 11:35 11:35 11:35 1.00
1.00 23:08 11:33 11:33 11:34 2.00
1.00 34:40 11:32 11:32 11:33 3.00
1.00 46:13 11:33 11:33 11:33 4.00
1.00 57:45 11:32 11:32 11:33 5.00
2.00 80:11 22:26 11:13 11:27 7.00
1.00 91:18 11:07 11:07 11:25 8.00

Monday, January 13, 2025

8.0mi on dreadmill, 85:59, 13 JAN 25, Lorton, Virginia

The Get Up Kids, Ten Minutes (170bpm)
Crystal Castles, Doe Deer (184bpm)
The Get Up Kids, Shorty (111bpm)
The Get Up Kids, Woodson (102bpm)

WX at 10 PM (3) Jan 13 30.9 (-0.6) 22.3 (-5.4) 30.02 (1016) Calm
Odometer 25A: 104.8mi
TE 4.6/0.0. Exercise Load 229. Average/max heart rate = 144/159

First time on the dreadmill in a while due to the snow and having a runny nose the last few days. Today was the first day I felt up to snuff and went harder than I expected - and was pretty glad I did it, especially given I've been slacking the last few days. So time to get back on the stick.

1.00 11:20 11:20 11:20 11:20 1.00
1.00 22:30 11:10 11:10 11:15 2.00
1.00 33:13 10:43 10:43 11:04 3.00
1.00 43:44 10:31 10:31 10:56 4.00
1.00 54:05 10:21 10:21 10:49 5.00
1.00 64:47 10:42 10:42 10:48 6.00
1.00 75:31 10:44 10:44 10:47 7.00
1.00 85:59 10:28 10:28 10:45 8.00

Saturday, January 11, 2025

10,000m on Concept2 Model D, 46:31.3, 11 JAN 25, Lorton, Virginia

iThink: none as I was watching the Buffalo Bandits at the Ottawa Black Bears.

WX at 10 PM (3) Jan 11     30.7 (-0.7)     18.1 (-7.7)     29.9 (1012)     NW 3     
Odometer 14B: 411.0mi
TE 3.6/0.0   Exercise load 131   Average/max heart rate 137/154

Seat cushion came in and I immediately put it to work. It sits a little high at first, but because it's memory foam, it'll sink down to a more reasonable height after a bit. The seat cushion is a must - the alternative was folding up towels to sit under my butt for longer rows...and since my standard pull is between 6km and 10km, it's going to be long rows.

I was stopping from time to time as I was skipping through the commercial breaks on the game. The average speed was a little lower than might be expected for this level of efficiency but I was actually pulling closer to 2:12-2:13/500m when I wasn't stopped. I just continued to run the clock while fast forwarding.

Distance:    10000
Time:    46:31.3
Avg/500m:    02:19.6
Drag Factor:    106
Per Mile:    00:07:29

Thursday, January 09, 2025

10,000m on Concept2 Model D, 47:21.5, 9 JAN 25, Lorton, Virginia

 iThink: none as I was watching the Ottawa Black Bears at the Toronto Rock.

WX at 8 PM (1) Jan 09     28.6 (-1.9)     8.4 (-13.1)     30.09 (1018)     WNW 15     WC 17 (-8)
Odometer 14B: 411.0mi
TE 3.1/0.0  Exercise load 84  Average/max heart rate = 135/155

Still tinkering with Forerunner 955 syncing with the Concept2 PM5. Today was not a bad row, first time pull 10,000 in a while. I felt pretty good at times, but I was trying to do mostly endurance work and since I've got a runny nose, I wasn't going to go to the gym and be Patient Zero. My butt hurts, though, so I need to order a seat cushion.

Distance:    10000
Time:    47:21.5
Avg/500m:    02:22.1
Drag Factor:    108
Per Mile:    00:07:37

Wednesday, January 08, 2025

6,648m on Concept2 Model D, 30:41, 6 JAN 25, Lorton, Virginia

 iThink: none as I was watching Deutschland 83 on Amazon.

WX at 9 PM (2) Jan 06     28.6 (-1.9)     24.6 (-4.1)     29.76 (1008) NW 10 Light Snow Fog/Mist

Odometer 14B: 411.0mi

TE 2.7/0.1  Exercise load 61  Average/max heart rate = 128/140

Test of the new setup mounting an arm for a 24" monitor in place of the PM5 and moving the PM5 down to closer to the chain - which works very well for longer ergs. Also the first time I've erged in just about forever. Batteries were dead so they kept going out - required me to do this in two sittings after the PM5 blanked out when I stopped pulling.

Distance:    6648
Time:    30:41.0
Avg/500m:    02:18.5
Drag Factor:    104
Per Mile:    00:07:26

Saturday, January 04, 2025

7.7mi, 90:31, 4 JAN 25, Lorton, Virginia

Sugarcult, Dead Living (160bpm)

WX at 4 PM (21) Jan 04 30.9 (-0.6) 9.3 (-12.6) 30.1 (1019) WNW 16 RH 19 WC 19 (-7)
Odometer 25A: 96.4mi
TE 3.6/0.2. Exercise Load 133. Average/max heart rate = 133/145

Deliberate slow run for once and it went well, in spite of the cold conditions exacerbated by the winds. At least the winds have calmed down some from earlier today, though. Legs are tired, so I'll see how I feel later and if I run tomorrow, it'll be a shorter distance on a flatter course than today.

1.37 16:14 16:14 11:51 11:51 1.37
1.20 31:08 14:54 12:25 12:07 2.57
1.28 46:43 15:35 12:10 12:08 3.85
1.32 62:19 15:36 11:49 12:03 5.17
1.16 74:47 12:28 10:45 11:49 6.33
1.37 90:31 15:44 11:29 11:45 7.70

Thursday, January 02, 2025

7.7mi, 86:42, 2 JAN 25, Lorton, Virginia

Michael Tsukerman and Robert Gitelman, Bolivia (Onova Remix) (140bpm)
The Cure, Primary (171bpm)
Sugarcult, Dead Living (160bpm)

5 PM (22) Jan 02 40.5 (4.7) 16.9 (-8.4) 30.11 (1019) WNW 6 RH 38
Odometer 25A: 88.7mi
TE 3.8/0.1. Exercise Load 154. Average/max heart rate = 135/149

I planned on going easy but went sizeably harder than I probably should've. I will do this route easier next time as I need to get disciplined about not blowing the off days. Weather was absolutely perfect.

1.37 15:44 15:44 11:29 11:29 1.37
1.23 30:22 14:38 11:54 11:41 2.60
1.25 45:09 14:47 11:50 11:44 3.85
1.31 59:38 14:29 11:03 11:33 5.16
1.16 71:58 12:20 10:38 11:23 6.32
1.37 86:42 14:44 10:45 11:16 7.69

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

7.68mi, 86:25, 31 DEC 24, Lorton, Virginia

Michael Tsukerman and Robert Gitelman, Bolivia (Onova Remix) (140bpm)
New Model Army, Running in the Rain (132bpm)
Kinetica & Dreamy, Remember Me (Original Mix) (140bpm)

5 PM (22) Dec 31 50 (10) 46 (8) 29.58 (1001) W 18 heavy rain with thunder; mist RH 86

Odometer 25A: 77.0mi
TE 3.9/0.1. Exercise Load 163. Average/max heart rate = 135/153

Putting in a down payment on my sins for tomorrow, but also, I managed to pick the one time of the day where I would get crushed by rain. At least it wasn't as bad as KDCA about 15 miles away, but not much better on my return leg where it really started to pour and go horizontal rain.

6 PM (23) Dec 31 51.1 (10.6) 44.1 (6.7) 29.61 (1002) W 22G44 heavy rain with thunder

Today was surprisingly quick for not going that hard. On the other hand, all bets were off given the weather although I was not trying to run fast today.

1.36 15:37 15:37 11:29 11:29 1.36
1.16 29:21 13:44 11:50 11:39 2.52
1.32 44:14 14:53 11:17 11:31 3.84
1.31 58:56 14:42 11:13 11:27 5.15
1.16 71:11 12:15 10:34 11:17 6.31
1.37 86:25 15:14 11:07 11:15 7.68

Monday, December 30, 2024

5.03mi, 52:50, 30 DEC 24, Lorton, Virginia

Bad Moves, Same Bad Friends (146bpm)
The Get Up Kids, Ten Minutes (170bpm)

3 PM (20) Dec 30 62.2 (16.8) 29.7 (-1.3) 29.72 (1006) WSW 14G24 RH 29
Odometer 25A: 69.3mi
TE 3.9/0.2. Exercise Load 164. Average/max heart rate = 141/153

A bit squashed for time, so I only went 5. Weather was about perfect, although gusty and that made for some tough uphills. Today was unexpectedly fast and while I haven't been running as much, the intent is not to taper so much as I'm crushed by all the stuff I have to unpack. But today was fast and I was pretty happy about those speeds and my ability to hold level of effort. VO2 Max is showing 41, the best in a long while.

2.52 28:03 28:03 11:08 11:08 2.52
2.51 52:50 24:47 09:52 10:30 5.03

Friday, December 27, 2024

5.0mi+lift, 52:56, 27 DEC 24, Lorton, Virginia

The Get Up Kids, Ten Minutes (170 bpm)

WX at 10 PM (3) Dec 27 39 (4) 35 (2) 30.31 (1026) Calm light rain
Odometer 25A: 64.3mi
Lift TE 2.0/1.6. Exercise Load 46 Average/max heart rate = 111/144
Run TE 4.0/0.0. Exercise Load 171 Average/max heart rate = 142/159

Experimenting with the gym at my new digs. No free weights, so I had to improvise with some machines and some dumbbells. Based on the dumbbells, I would just as easily be better off doing it at home. Run was reasonably quick and then went hard in the last mile. My knees did not appreciate it after the fact.

Lifting today:
Dumbbell Deadlift 10/10/10 @50/50
Dumbbell Overhead Press 10/10/10 @30/30
Alternating Dumbbell Row 10/10/10 @50
Goblet Squat 10/10/10 @40
Chest Press 10/10/10 @150
Lat Pulldown 10/10 @120, 10 @100
Leg press 15/15/15 @360

1.00 11:06 11:06 11:06 11:06 1.00
1.00 21:52 10:46 10:46 10:56 2.00
1.00 32:36 10:44 10:44 10:52 3.00
1.00 43:18 10:42 10:42 10:50 4.00
1.00 52:57 09:39 09:39 10:35 5.00

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

10.0mi, 1:51:58, 25 DEC 24, Lorton, Virginia

The Get Up Kids, Ten Minutes (170 bpm)
Jamie Christopherson, A Stranger I Remain (Maniac Agenda Mix) (165bpm)

WX at 6 PM (23) Dec 25 38.3 (3.5) 30.0 (-1.1) 30.34 (1027) Calm RH 71
WX at 5 PM (22) Dec 25 42.6 (5.9) 29.7 (-1.3) 30.33 (1027) Calm RH 60

Odometer 25A: 58.9mi
TE 4.2/0.0. Exercise Load 199. Average/max heart rate = 138/150

Long run for x-moose day. This makes up only partially for the amount of eating I've been doing the last few days. Also, I started too late to finish in daylight. On the bright side, today was faster than anticipated and I certainly didn't set out to run hard or fast today, in spite of the splits compared to the last few days lapping the same course.

1.67 0:18:49 18:49 11:16 11:16 1.67
1.65 0:37:39 18:50 11:25 11:20 3.32
1.67 0:56:07 18:28 11:03 11:15 4.99
1.67 1:14:32 18:25 11:02 11:11 6.66
1.67 1:33:10 18:38 11:09 11:11 8.33
1.67 1:51:58 18:48 11:15 11:12 10.00

Sunday, December 22, 2024

6.66mi, 79:50, 22 DEC 24, Lorton, Virginia

AC/DC, If You Want Blood (You've Got It), (141 bpm)
Alvvays, After the Earthquake (166 bpm)
Alvvays, Pomeranian Spinster (175bpm)

WX at 6 PM (23) Dec 22 30.6 (-0.8) 11.7 (-11.3) 30.5 (1032) Calm RH 44
Odometer 25A: 48.9mi
TE 3.3/0.0. Exercise Load 114. Average/max heart rate = 132/147

Same course as before, except in reverse. It was fucking cold as balls outside for Virginia in December. Easy pace, some of which was run at remarkably low levels of heartrate if not perceived intensity. Knees were bothering me during the run until halfway through, though. The relatively minor time difference from the previous run was also a factor of it being super cold outside and that was conducive to easy heat management.

1.67 19:35 19:35 11:44 11:44 1.67
1.66 40:25 20:50 12:33 12:08 3.33
1.67 60:35 20:10 12:05 12:07 5.00
1.66 79:50 19:15 11:36 11:59 6.66

Friday, December 20, 2024

6.66mi, 77:16, 20 DEC 24, Lorton, Virginia

The Cure, Primary (171bpm)
New Order, Dream Attack (146bpm)

WX at 7 PM (0) Dec 20 43.3 (6.3) 37.9 (3.3) 29.94 (1013) WNW 5 RH 81
Odometer 25A: 42.2mi
TE 3.6/0.0. Exercise Load 135. Average/max heart rate = 137/152

Four laps, 6.66 exact. I can't ask for more. Except maybe a flatter course. As usual, when you're living on top of a hill...there will be climbing and descending. My knees will probably fuckin' hate me tomorrow. On the other hand, today was a good day of experimenting with tempo and cadence.

What I did NOT count on was negative splits the entire way. I think part of that was being warmed up after the first lap, but also being able to run the off-road parts in the dark with more confidence. My achilles tendons might not like it, though.

1.67 19:56 19:56 11:56 11:56 1.67
1.66 39:26 19:30 11:45 11:51 3.33
1.67 58:41 19:15 11:32 11:44 5.00
1.66 77:16 18:35 11:12 11:36 6.66

Thursday, December 19, 2024

4.65mi, 74:29, 19 DEC 24, Lorton, Virginia

The Cure, Primary (171bpm)
The Cure, A Forest (81bpm)

WX at 3 PM (20) Dec 19 45 (7.2) 28 (-2.2) 30.25 (1024) NW 8 RH 50
Odometer 25A: 35.6mi
TE 3.2/0.0. Exercise Load 96. Average/max heart rate = 134/151

After scouting the route, I had a more productive run running parts of the Cross-County Trail. There is almost no flat portion of the course. Those hills are no joke. Great to do in the mid-day, but they'll put a beating on your legs.

0.68 11:41 11:41 17:11 17:11 0.68
0.90 23:19 11:38 12:56 14:45 1.58
0.75 36:31 13:12 17:36 15:40 2.33
0.73 49:09 12:38 17:18 16:04 3.06
0.92 62:35 13:26 14:36 15:43 3.98
0.67 74:29 11:54 17:46 16:01 4.65

Monday, December 16, 2024

5.57mi on dreadmill, 60:00, 16 DEC 24, Lorton, Virginia

Jamie Christopherson, A Stranger I Remain (Maniac Agenda Mix) (165bpm)
Philip Glass, Songs From Liquid Days: No 2. Lightning (100bpm)

WX at 9 PM (2) Dec 16 47.1 (8.4) 45.7 (7.6) 30.21 (1023) SSE 3 mist RH 94
Odometer 25A: 30.9mi
TE 4.3/0.0. Exercise Load 206. Average/max heart rate = 144/159

I was limited to 60 minutes on the dreadmill, so it became a 60-minute time trial to see how I might feel. I started a bit faster and then just turned it on at the end. Last split is an estimate as I didn't keep track of what the distance was but I turned the speed up to 6.2mph at the end, accelerating through the last 10 minutes. The last few minutes didn't feel as bad as I feared as I realized I could take it.

1.00 10:58 10:58 10:58 10:58 1.00
1.00 21:54 10:56 10:56 10:57 2.00
1.00 32:49 10:55 10:55 10:56 3.00
1.00 43:45 10:56 10:56 10:56 4.00
1.00 54:20 10:35 10:35 10:52 5.00
0.57 60:00 05:40 09:56 10:46 5.57

Sunday, December 15, 2024

4.6mi, 58:39, 15 DEC 24, Lorton, Virginia

Y. Takada, "Primitive ~Origin~ (Hero's Theme)"(~144bpm)

WX at 4 PM (21) Dec 15 39 (4) 32 (0) 30.59 (1035) Calm light rain RH 75
Odometer 25A: 24.8mi
TE 3.0/0.0. Exercise Load 83. Average/max heart rate = 127/146

I was going to run parts of the Cross-County Trail, but didn't scout the route and got completely sidetracked. In my case, I completely lost a turn and missed the trail entirely. Next time I'll map recce the route before rolling out.

The watch said recovery but I'm not sure how much credence to give readings in the 120-127bpm range as that certainly did not match relative effort. There are a LOT of hills in this area.

4.60 58:39 58:39 12:46 12:46 4.60

Saturday, December 14, 2024

6.66mi+lift, 74:19, 14 DEC 24, Fort Belvoir, Virginia

The Get Up Kids, Ten Minutes (170 bpm)
Illusive Mind, "Digital Revolution" (140bpm)
Jamie Christopherson, "A Stranger I Remain (Maniac Agenda Mix)" (165bpm)

WX at 8 PM (1) Dec 14 32.0 (0.0) 21.0 (-6.1) 30.84 (1044) E 6
Odometer 25A: 20.0mi
Lift TE 0.9/0.2. Exercise Load 16 Average/max heart rate = 105/128
Run TE 3.6/0.0. Exercise Load 136 Average/max heart rate = 136/141

First workout since moving to Lorton yesterday. I have been doing a lot of stairs as I've been going up and down my new digs.

I was a little surprised at how little credit I got for lifting today. I needed the mobility work, though, but forgot to squat or do leg presses as I wanted to knock out a run first. Controlled run trying not to go above 140bpm. There were splits but it didn't matter based on the objective today, which was controlled level of effort.

Lifting today:
Barbell Deadlift 10/10/10 @155
Overhead Press 10/10/10 @75
Barbell Row 10/10/10 @115
Lat Pulldown 10/10/10 @120
Alternating Dumbbell Chest Press 7/6/5 @40

6.66 74:19 74:19 11:09 11:09 6.66

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

6.66mi, 81:48, 10 DEC 24, Chantilly, Virginia

The Get Up Kids, Central Standard Time 7" (136 bpm)
The Get Up Kids, Ten Minutes (170 bpm)
Rush, Subdivisions (133bpm)

WX at 5 PM (22) Dec 10 50.0 (10.0) 48.0 (8.9) 29.94 (1013) S 6 light rain; mist RH 92
Odometer 25A: 13.3mi
TE 3.2/0.0. Exercise Load 106. Average/max heart rate = 131/140

Easy run although the watch was telling me to take today off. Tomorrow's going to rain, so I'll take tomorrow off.

For a day that was supposed to be easy, today was quicker than I would've guessed. That was most certainly not the intent and not the perceived level of effort since I thought I ran weak today.

2.29 27:29 27:29 12:00 12:00 2.29
2.49 58:30 31:01 12:27 12:14 4.78
1.88 81:48 23:18 12:24 12:17 6.66

Monday, December 09, 2024

2.5mi+lift, 30:00, 9 DEC 24, Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia

The Killers, Run For Cover (165bpm)
Belly, Super-Connected (152bpm)

WX at 3 PM (20) Dec 09 60.1 (15.6) 48.9 (9.4) 29.88 (1011) SSW 10
Odometer 24B: 403.4mi
Lift TE 2.1/1.7. Exercise Load 60 Average/max heart rate = 115/144
Run TE 3.1/0.0. Exercise Load 100 Average/max heart rate = 138/143

Short run as I was pressed for time. Making some strength improvements as my chest press and squat improved this time around.

Lifting today:
Barbell Deadlift 10/10/10 @155
Overhead Press 10/10/10 @75
Barbell Row 10/10/10 @115
Smith Machine Squat 10 @100, 10/10 @110
Lat Pulldown 10/10/10 @120
Leg press 15/15/15 @398
Alternating Dumbbell Chest Press 7/6/5 @40
GHD Situp 18/15/12

2.50 30:00 30:00 12:00 12:00 2.50

Sunday, December 08, 2024

6.66mi, 83:33, 8 DEC 24, Chantilly, Virginia

Sugarcult, Dead Living (160bpm)
Toto, Dune (Desert Theme) (96bpm)

WX at 4 PM (21) Dec 08 64.0 (17.8) 32.0 (0.0) 29.89 (1012) WNW 8 RH 30
Odometer 25A: 6.66mi
TE 3.1/0.0. Exercise Load 99. Average/max heart rate = 131/140

A proper recovery run and I was, for once, actually discipliend about holding effort. Also breaking in new shoes. I transitioned the insoles from the last ones as I put them in about 100mi ago.

2.30 28:11 28:11 12:15 12:15 2.30
2.47 59:43 31:32 12:46 12:31 4.77
1.89 83:33 23:50 12:37 12:33 6.66

Saturday, December 07, 2024

10.34mi, 1:57:17, 7 DEC 24, Chantilly, Virginia

Dan Bell, Dare Devolution (Daredevil remix) (130bpm)
Philip Glass, Songs From Liquid Days: No 2. Lightning (100bpm)

WX at 2 PM (19) Dec 07 41.0 (5.0) 10.0 (-12.2) 30.18 (1022) SSW 6 RH 27
WX at 3 PM (20) Dec 07 39.9 (4.4) 12.0 (-11.1) 30.15 (1020) S 7 RH 31
Odometer 24B: 400.9mi
TE 4.3/0.2. Exercise Load 207. Average/max heart rate = 139/160

First day above freezing in a few days and needed to get something in to offset the last two days of "do nothing but eat." This was a run that ended almost as a time trial for level of effort in the last mile. I was trying to finish with the clock under two hours, and I did. I chalk up the speed today to the temperature and conditions, though. Running into the wind actually was better for me as I was dissipating heat through the wind up front rather than behind.

2.31 0:26:10 26:10 11:20 11:20 2.31
1.01 0:37:48 11:38 11:31 11:23 3.32
1.86 0:59:13 21:25 11:31 11:26 5.18
1.86 1:20:39 21:26 11:31 11:27 7.04
1.01 1:32:29 11:50 11:43 11:29 8.05
2.28 1:57:17 24:48 10:53 11:21 10.33

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

5.0mi+lift, 53:17, 4 DEC 24, Fort Belvoir, Virginia

Alvvays, After the Earthquake (166 bpm)
The Get Up Kids, Ten Minutes (170 bpm)
The Killers, Run For Cover (165bpm)
Philip Glass, Songs From Liquid Days: No 2. Lightning (100bpm)

WX at Noon (17) Nov 26 68.0 (20.0) 46.0 (7.8) 29.91 (1012) Calm RH 45
Odometer 24B: 390.5mi
Lift TE 2.2/1.1. Exercise Load 51 Average/max heart rate = 113/147
Run TE 3.9/0.0. Exercise Load 169 Average/max heart rate = 142/157

Not as far on the dreadmill, but mostly maintenance work for strength. Deadlift is a bit more, though. Weighted side step is part of my actual physical therapy routine.

Watch says today was tempo but that was most definitely not true for the part I did well into zone 4. The Philip Glass might only be 100bpm but it's done in double time, so it's effectively 200bpm and that was just about perfect for the hardest parts of the run.

Lifting today:
Barbell Deadlift 10/10 @135, 10 @145
Overhead Press 10/10/10 @75
Barbell Row 10/10/10 @115
Leg press 15/15/15 @393
Alternating Dumbbell Chest Press 7/6/6 @35
Landmine Squat 10/10/10/10 @50
Weighted side step 10/10/10/10 @15
Lat Pulldown 10/10/10 @120

1.00 11:38 11:38 11:38 11:38 1.00
1.00 22:48 11:10 11:10 11:24 2.00
1.00 32:40 09:52 09:52 10:53 3.00
1.00 41:55 09:15 09:15 10:29 4.00
1.00 53:17 11:22 11:22 10:39 5.00

Tuesday, December 03, 2024

6.66mi, 83:20, 3 DEC 24, Chantilly, Virginia

Y. Takada, "Primitive ~Origin~ (Hero's Theme)"(~144bpm)
Project Aces, "Daredevil" (133bpm)

WX at 6 PM (23) Dec 03 34.0 (1.1) 16.0 (-8.9) 30.37 (1028) WNW 9 RH 47 WC 26 (-3)
Odometer 24B: 385.5mi
TE 3.2/0.0. Exercise Load 101. Average/max heart rate = 133/139

Easy run trying to stay inside zone 2. A bit faster than I probably should've, but I was being more disciplined about not running too fast.

1.57 18:57 18:57 12:04 12:04 1.57
1.10 32:27 13:30 12:16 12:09 2.67
0.66 40:40 08:13 12:28 12:13 3.33
0.66 49:05 08:24 12:44 12:18 3.99
1.10 63:15 14:10 12:53 12:26 5.09
1.57 83:20 20:05 12:48 12:31 6.66

Monday, December 02, 2024

6.66mi, 77:28, 2 DEC 24, Chantilly, Virginia

Project Aces, "Daredevil" (133bpm)

WX at 6 PM (23) Dec 02 33.1 (0.6) 16.0 (-8.9) 30.26 (1024) NW 8 RH 48 WC 26 (-3)
Odometer 24B: 378.9mi
TE 3.7/0.0. Exercise Load 149. Average/max heart rate = 139/147

I wasn't sure I was going to go run at all, and then I got outside and it was chilly enough where it became a tempo run just to stay warm! Still, pretty happy about this. Started with some dynamic stretching presribed by my PT so I don't know if that was a factor, but I guess I'll see.

2.29 27:00 27:00 11:47 11:47 2.29
2.42 55:16 28:16 11:41 11:44 4.71
1.95 77:28 22:12 11:23 11:38 6.66

Sunday, December 01, 2024

5.25mi, 65:14, 1 DEC 24, Chantilly, Virginia

The Get Up Kids, "The Company Dime" (148 bpm)
For Against, "The Pennines" (165bpm)
Sugarcult, "Dead Living" (160bpm)

WX at 5 PM (22) Dec 01 36.0 (2.2) 28.0 (-2.2) 30.11 (1019) NNW 10 RH 72
Odometer 24B: 372.2mi
TE 3.0/0.0. Exercise Load 85. Average/max heart rate = 131/140

Proper recovery run after taking yesterday too hard. It's chilly outside.

1.57 18:51 18:51 12:00 12:00 1.57
1.06 31:36 12:45 12:02 12:01 2.63
1.05 45:24 13:48 13:09 12:20 3.68
1.57 65:14 19:50 12:38 12:26 5.25

Saturday, November 30, 2024

7.0mi, 84:15, 30 NOV 24, Chantilly, Virginia

The Get Up Kids, Ten Minutes (170 bpm)
The Get Up Kids, Central Standard Time 7" (136 bpm)

WX at 3 PM (20) Nov 30 37.0 (2.8) 14.0 (-10.0) 30.1 (1019) NNW 5 RH 38
Odometer 24B: 367.0mi
TE 3.6/0.0. Exercise Load 140. Average/max heart rate = 139/151

I took yesterday off, although not by design. I needed to get this in as I'm around extended family and I need something to tamp down my occasional simmering rage. I also need some alone time, and this works okay.

Today was a little quicker in some spots, which I attribute to the weather. I'm glad I didn't overdress today.

1.56 17:42 17:42 11:21 11:21 1.56
1.10 30:36 12:54 11:44 11:30 2.66
0.84 40:24 09:48 11:40 11:32 3.50
0.84 50:28 10:04 11:59 11:38 4.34
1.10 64:24 13:56 12:40 11:50 5.44
1.56 84:15 19:51 12:43 12:02 7.00

Thursday, November 28, 2024

10.0mi on dreadmill, 1:52:28, 28 SEP 24, Fort Belvoir, Virginia

The Get Up Kids, "Ten Minutes" (170 bpm)

WX at 10 AM (15) Nov 28 53 (12) 50 (10) 29.54 (1000) WSW 3 light rain
Odometer 24B: 360.0mi
TE 3.9/0.0. Exercise Load 167. Average/max heart rate = 135/147

Lifting today: Barbell Deadlift 10/10/10 @135

Instead of running last night, I decided to bag it off as it got dark, but woke up early and got in 10mi on the dreadmill. This was a bit harder than expected but I was putting in a down payment for what I think I'm going to eat for Thanksgiving.

SGMT AGGRGT SEGMT PERMI AVGPC DIST 1.00 11:51 11:51 11:51 11:51 1.00 1.00 23:24 11:33 11:33 11:42 2.00 1.00 34:57 11:33 11:33 11:39 3.00 1.06 47:05 12:08 11:27 11:36 4.06 0.94 57:32 10:27 11:07 11:30 5.00 1.00 68:43 11:11 11:11 11:27 6.00 1.00 79:47 11:04 11:04 11:24 7.00 1.00 90:47 11:00 11:00 11:21 8.00 1.00 101:37 10:50 10:50 11:17 9.00 1.00 112:28 10:51 10:51 11:15 10.00

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

4.0mi+lift, 52:50, 26 NOV 24, Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia

Bad Moves, "Same Bad Friends" (146 bpm)
For Against, "The Pennines" (165bpm)

WX at Noon (17) Nov 26 68.0 (20.0) 46.0 (7.8) 29.91 (1012) Calm RH 45
Odometer 24B: 350.0mi
Lift TE 2.2/1.0. Exercise Load 48 Average/max heart rate = 113/144
Run TE 2.6/0.0. Exercise Load 60 Average/max heart rate = 133/145

I'm getting stronger. Anaerobic work was probably lower because I forgot to set breaks at the end of two sets. I also have started a new round of PT, this one for the hips and knees. Yay. Proper easy run outside on the track so I wasn't tempted to go too hard on the dreadmill. Also, the weather was really good today. Not sure I buy the max heart rate, although it was in the last 200m which was mostly uphill. Relative effort was bumpy in the first mile and got easier 30 minutes in, even more so by 50 minutes. That's a good sign for a proper run to burn lard. These shoes will likely get retired come first week of December at this rate as I expect to hit 400mi in these shoes by then.

Lifting today:
Barbell Deadlift 10/10/10 @135
Overhead Press 10/10/10 @75
Barbell Row 10/10/10 @115
Leg press 15/15/15 @373
Alternating Dumbbell Chest Press 7/6/5 @35
GHD Situp 15/15/15
Lat Pulldown 10/10/10 @100
Landmine Squat 10/10/10 @45

1.00 13:11 13:11 13:11 13:11 1.00
1.00 25:41 12:30 12:30 12:50 2.00
1.00 38:19 12:38 12:38 12:46 3.00
1.00 50:46 12:27 12:27 12:41 4.00
0.17 52:49 02:03 12:06 12:40 4.17

Monday, November 25, 2024

6.66mi, 80:56, 25 NOV 24, Chantilly, Virginia

The Get Up Kids, "Ten Minutes" (170 bpm)
Bad Moves, "Cape Henlopen" (157 bpm)

WX at 6 PM (23) Nov 25 54.0 (12.2) 39.0 (3.9) 30.01 (1016) S 6 RH 56
Odometer 24B: 345.5mi
TE 3.4/0.0. Exercise Load 124. Average/max heart rate = 136/144

MY legs felt surprisingly strong at the start but started to peter out by about the 4-5 mile mark. I was committed to my usual 666 but today felt inconsistent.

2.29 26:56 26:56 11:46 11:46 2.29
2.46 57:22 30:26 12:22 12:05 4.75
1.91 80:56 23:34 12:20 12:09 6.66

Sunday, November 24, 2024

4.04mi, 49:45, 24 NOV 24, Chantilly, Virginia

The Get Up Kids, "The Company Dime" (148 bpm)

WX at 5 PM (22) Nov 24 54.0 (12.2) 35.1 (1.7) 29.99 (1015) NNW 3 RH 48
Odometer 24B: 338.8mi
TE 2.8/0.0. Exercise Load 68. Average/max heart rate = 134/139

Easy recovery run in pleasant weather conditions.

2.02 24:58 24:58 12:22 12:22 2.02
2.02 49:45 24:47 12:16 12:19 4.04

Saturday, November 23, 2024

10.33mi, 2:06:00, 23 NOV 24, Chantilly, Virginia

Sugarcult, "Dead Living" (160bpm)
The Get Up Kids, "Ten Minutes" (170 bpm)
The Get Up Kids, "The Company Dime" (148 bpm)

WX at 2 PM (19) Nov 23 55.0 (12.8) 37.9 (3.3) 29.79 (1008) WNW 17G32 RH 53
Odometer 24B: 334.8mi
TE 3.8/0.0. Exercise Load 159. Average/max heart rate = 136/154

New insoles in existing shoes as part of the transition to new shoes after 400mi.

Very breezy, but the temperature was about perfect. I figured I could stand being chilly for the first mile, and the rest was fine. This is the first time running under a specified workout, and I get what the watch is doing when it tells me I'm running outside the specified HR band, but it takes some time to get used to. It would be useful to avoid running too hard in recovery,though.

Negative splits on the return I'll chalk up to having a big tailwind, especially for some of the gusts. This was my record at this distance, not surprisingly for the weather and having taken yesterday off.

2.32 0:27:38 27:38 11:55 11:55 2.32
1.00 0:40:15 12:37 12:37 12:07 3.32
1.86 1:03:37 23:22 12:34 12:17 5.18
1.86 1:26:08 22:31 12:06 12:14 7.04
1.01 1:38:25 12:17 12:10 12:14 8.05
2.29 2:06:00 27:35 12:03 12:11 10.34

Thursday, November 21, 2024

4.0mi on dreadmill+lift, 46:50, 21 NOV 24, Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia

Velocity Girl, "Sorry Again" (166 bpm)
ABBA, "Angeleyes" (132 bpm)

WX at Noon (17) Nov 21 54.0 (12.2) 30.9 (-0.6) 29.64 (1003) WSW 9
Odometer 24B: 324.5mi
Lift TE 2.4/1.8. Exercise Load 72 Average/max heart rate = 122/150
Run TE 3.7/0.0. Exercise Load 146 Average/max heart rate = 141/145

Was a little rushed getting the lifting in but I was also pressed for time at the back end. I was thinking about bagging it for 3 miles instead of four but by the 25-minute mark, I realized I was okay with going 4. It was faster than I intended, though.

I have no rational explanation for the second iThink.

Lifting today:
Barbell Deadlift 10/10/10 @135
Overhead Press 10/10/8 @75
Barbell Row 10/10/10 @115
Leg press 15/15/15 @373
Lat Pulldown 10/10/8 @120
Smith Machine Squat 10/10/10 @100
GHD Situp 15/15/12

0.99 11:34 11:34 11:41 11:41 0.99
1.00 23:19 11:45 11:45 11:43 1.99
1.01 35:09 11:50 11:43 11:43 3.00
1.00 46:50 11:41 11:41 11:43 4.00

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

6.66mi, 76:14, 20 NOV 24, Chantilly, Virginia

Velocity Girl, "Sorry Again" (166 bpm)
Velocity Girl, "Labrador" (157 bpm)
The Smiths, "There Is A Light That Never Goes Out" (soundcheck at the Barrowlands) (131 bpm)

WX at 5 PM (22) Nov 20 62.1 (16.7) 52.0 (11.1) 29.64 (1003) SSE 6 RH 69
Odometer 24B: 320.3mi
TE 3.9/0.0. Exercise Load 165. Average/max heart rate = 143/155

Weather was overcast and pleasant, a bit more humid than the last few days, but still nice. In the last mile, I decided to turn on the jets some, and thus, the level of effort is a bit skewed high. I still felt pretty good, and as I look at the results from this relative to this past summer, I actually feel pretty satisfied with progress thus far.

2.29 26:45 26:45 11:41 11:41 2.29
2.37 55:56 29:11 12:19 12:00 4.66
2.00 76:14 20:18 10:09 11:27 6.66