Thursday, March 06, 2025

5.04mi, 58:47, 6 MAR 25, Lorton, Virginia

Mark Darnell, In The Age Of Steam (144bpm)
The Killers, Run For Cover (165bpm)

WX at 6 PM (23) Mar 06 41.0 (5.0) 23.4 (-4.8) 29.63 (1003) WNW 22G29 RH 49
Odometer 25A: 198.2mi
TE 3.3/0.0. Exercise Load 100. Average/max heart rate = 134/151

First run along this route, taking the Cross-County Trail almost to its southern terminus at Occoqan River Park. Long downhill on the outbound meant a long ascent on the return.

Super-windy so I wore full sweatgear, which was about the right call. I was surprised I wasn't sucking worse on the uphill as my initial ascent seemed to be holding at about 132-135bpm, which I did not expect. Beginning was a bit harder than otherwise because it was so chilly. I was fully warmed up at the end, which might explain the burst of speed relative to a run of that perceived intensity.

1.70 19:44 19:44 11:36 11:36 1.70
0.82 28:37 08:53 10:50 11:21 2.52
0.82 39:10 10:33 12:52 11:44 3.34
1.70 58:47 19:37 11:32 11:40 5.04

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