Saturday, January 11, 2025

10,000m on Concept2 Model D, 46:31.3, 11 JAN 25, Lorton, Virginia

iThink: none as I was watching the Buffalo Bandits at the Ottawa Black Bears.

WX at 10 PM (3) Jan 11     30.7 (-0.7)     18.1 (-7.7)     29.9 (1012)     NW 3     
Odometer 14B: 411.0mi
TE 3.6/0.0   Exercise load 131   Average/max heart rate 137/154

Seat cushion came in and I immediately put it to work. It sits a little high at first, but because it's memory foam, it'll sink down to a more reasonable height after a bit. The seat cushion is a must - the alternative was folding up towels to sit under my butt for longer rows...and since my standard pull is between 6km and 10km, it's going to be long rows.

I was stopping from time to time as I was skipping through the commercial breaks on the game. The average speed was a little lower than might be expected for this level of efficiency but I was actually pulling closer to 2:12-2:13/500m when I wasn't stopped. I just continued to run the clock while fast forwarding.

Distance:    10000
Time:    46:31.3
Avg/500m:    02:19.6
Drag Factor:    106
Per Mile:    00:07:29

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