Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Jesus Titty Fucking Christ

Day 77 of the campaign.

iThink: None.

WX at 2300: 68 (20) DP 32 (0) BP 30.00 (1016) Variable 2 RH 26

Odometer 2: 104.9mi


This is my first run since the abortive attempt a few days ago.

Work has been absolutely fucking insane lately.

Another one of my coworkers has been trying to get me to do Crossfit with him. It's not to the extent of do it until you barf, but it's working parts that I didn't - and as a rule, I'll try almost anything once.

The same coworker (and I haven't come up with a catchy name for him yet) is a hare for this Thursday's hash. We were scouting trail as an alternative workout and we decided to climb over a wall. The place looked mostly cleared, but I wasn't sure. After seeing nothing that even looked like tire tracks or a foot path, we ran across a field, and saw some plastic red marking tape...with the word "DANGER" on it. I'm thinking "did I just do what I think I did?"

...and uttered the words that adorn the title of this blog entry.

No Splits.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my god. I'm glad you got through the field, Francis! Sheesh, makes my little forest runs seem tame because I only run into deer and squirrels and skunks!
