Peter Langston, background music to the game Ballblazer
Dos Gringos, "Jeremiah Weed" (thanks to all the guys out on the track in Air Force PT uniforms getting ready to take a PT test, blocking the outer lane where I was running)
WX at 0600: 64.0 (17.8) 61.0 (16.1) 30.13 (1020) E 3 mist RH 89
Odometer 1: 122.7mi
Average/max heart rate = 149/171
This has been a week of almost no physical activity because of the ripple effects from pulling staff duty after about two weeks of being in the classroom teaching every day. That wouldn't be bad by itself, but it's not by itself, as I grind through the reading load for my doctoral work.
It's a bad sign when you get three days of 7+ hours sleep and you're still tired. I also haven't much felt like working out, which might be a flareup of an incipient case of the fuck-its.
I briefly toyed with sleeping in, but today is September 11th, and eight years ago, I was a cavalry troop commander in the 82d Airborne Division, and wondered after the attacks, whether I'd have to actively join the Close Combat Industry.
That didn't come to pass, and I suspect my brigade combat team was being saved for something else. I don't think the planning for Iraq had happened yet, but there were other things that required the Division Ready Brigade to be in the chamber, ready to fire.
1.00 08:40 08:40 08:40 08:40 1.00
1.00 17:11 08:31 08:31 08:35 2.00
1.00 25:31 08:20 08:20 08:30 3.00
1.00 33:41 08:10 08:10 08:25 4.00
0.23 35:50 02:09 09:21 08:28 4.23
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