Wednesday, August 07, 2024

4.35mi, 54:27, 7 AUG 24, Springfield, Virginia

Sugar, "Tilted"

WX at 7 PM (23) Aug 07 82.6 (28.1) 75.0 (23.9) 29.82 (1009) ESE 9 RH 78

Odometer 24: 367.8mi

TE 3.5/0.4. Average/max heart rate = 151/171

Today's run was an attempt to find a run route with less insane uphill than my normal route. I thought I had one, but I was absolutely dead wrong. There is no path off the trail I run that won't generate monster uphill somewhere along the line. Leg 3 is where the uphill was, as the pace per segment indicates. Leg 2 was also mostly uphill, although

What was previously zone 2-3 is now zone 4-5. I may have to seriously taper my recovery at the rate things are going.

1.29 15:27 15:27 11:59 11:59 1.29
1.13 30:04 14:37 12:56 12:25 2.42
0.82 40:47 10:43 13:04 12:35 3.24
1.11 54:27 13:40 12:19 12:31 4.35

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