Friday, February 28, 2025

7.71mi, 93:35, 28 FEB 25, Lorton, Virginia

Kinetica & Dreamy, Remember Me (Original Mix) (140bpm)
New Model Army, Poison Street (172bpm)
XTC, The Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead (123bpm)

WX at 7 PM (0) Feb 28 51.4 (10.8) 22.6 (-5.2) 29.72 (1006) SE 5 RH 32
Odometer 25A: 179.4mi
TE 3.7/0.0. Exercise Load 136. Average/max heart rate = 138/152

Easy run as I didn't want to push it and I wasn't sure how I was going to feel. I felt better by the end.

I am aghast at the US selling out Ukraine in the news today. Trump probably won't live long enough to face the consequences of this, but America's reputation as a guarantor of freedom was irrevocably tarnished. The American flag used to stand for something. I'm not sure what now.

1.37 16:19 16:19 11:55 11:55 1.37
1.17 31:09 14:50 12:41 12:16 2.54
1.31 47:34 16:25 12:32 12:21 3.85
1.34 64:06 16:32 12:20 12:21 5.19
1.14 77:16 13:10 11:33 12:12 6.33
1.38 93:35 16:19 11:49 12:08 7.71

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

5.0mi, 62:39, 26 FEB 25, Lorton, Virginia

The Get Up Kids, Shorty (111bpm)
The Get Up Kids, Woodson (102bpm)

WX at 7 PM (0) Feb 26 55.4 (13.0) 35.4 (1.9) 29.9 (1012) SE 6 RH 47
Odometer 25A: 176.7mi
TE 3.0/0.1. Exercise Load 77. Average/max heart rate = 125/140

I was going to run 7, and then when I started, my legs were so dead that running anything much more than I did would've been super injudicious.

It's supposed to rain tomorrow, so it'll be a rest day tomorrow. Holy shit dead legs.

5.00 62:39 02:39 12:32 12:32 5.00

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

6.66mi, 82:37, 25 FEB 25, Lorton, Virginia

The Get Up Kids, Ten Minutes (170bpm)
Philip Glass, Songs From Liquid Days: No 2. Lightning (100bpm)
Dentist, New Dress (170bpm)

WX at 7 PM (0) Feb 25 61.0 (16.1) 30.2 (-1.0) 29.75 (1007) NW 7 RH 31
Odometer 25A: 171.7mi
TE 3.4/0.1. Exercise Load 103. Average/max heart rate = 133/154

The watch said to take a rest day. But it's the warmest day of the year so far, so I decided to get a run in anyway.

Went very easy as I knew I didn't want to overtrain TOO much.

1.37 16:53 16:53 12:19 12:19 1.37
1.16 31:50 14:57 12:53 12:35 2.53
0.81 42:03 10:13 12:37 12:35 3.34
0.81 52:10 10:07 12:29 12:34 4.15
1.17 66:00 13:50 11:49 12:24 5.32
1.34 82:37 16:37 12:24 12:24 6.66

Monday, February 24, 2025

6.66mi on dreadmill, 75:31, 24 FEB 25, Lorton, Virginia

Nothing as I was watching the film Battle of Algiers while I was running.

WX at 11 PM (4) Feb 24 40.3 (4.6) 28.2 (-2.1) 29.9 (1012) Calm
Odometer 25A: 165.0mi
TE 4.3/0.0. Exercise Load 177. Average/max heart rate = 141/150

Late start. But I got my 6.66 in. Then I did leg curls and leg extensions, resulting in some of the most crippling hamstring cramps I've ever had. Better now, though.

I didn't feel like I was going very hard, in spite of the training effect rating - I set the speed for 5.3mph as I was looking to burn lard. Heart rate was higher than might've been prudent for the first dreadmill run in a while.

Holy crap is Battle of Algiers a powerful movie. Never seen it until now.

1.00 11:27 11:27 11:27 11:27 1.00
1.00 22:47 11:20 11:20 11:23 2.00
1.00 34:07 11:20 11:20 11:22 3.00
1.00 45:29 11:22 11:22 11:22 4.00
1.00 56:46 11:17 11:17 11:21 5.00
1.00 68:03 11:17 11:17 11:20 6.00
0.66 75:31 07:28 11:19 11:20 6.66

Friday, February 21, 2025

10,000m on Concept2 Model D, 45:35.5, 19 FEB 25, Lorton, Virginia

 iThink: none as I was watching the first Buffalo Bandits the Army-Yale lacrosse game from earlier today.

WX at 7 PM (0) Feb 21     33.1 (0.6)     10.8 (-11.8)     30.4 (1029)     WNW 13     

Odometer 14B: 411.0mi
TE 3.6/0.0   Exercise load 120.  Average/max heart rate 138/156

Rowing again instead of running outside in sub-freezing temperatures. I felt better today, or at least faster as yesterday was a rest day. I am getting stronger, admittedly, but there's some specificity at hand with the erg.

Distance:    10000
Time:    45:35.5
Avg/500m:    02:16.8
Drag Factor:    110
Per Mile:    00:07:20

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

10,000m on Concept2 Model D, 46:36.6, 19 FEB 25, Lorton, Virginia

 iThink: none as I was watching the Army-Yale lacrosse game from earlier today.

WX at      6 PM (23) Feb 19     23.7 (-4.6)     13.3 (-10.4)     30.27 (1025)     SSW 3     

Odometer 14B: 411.0mi
TE 3.7/0.0   Exercise load 124.  Average/max heart rate 139/156

Rowing instead of running outside in sub-freezing temperatures since my cold is still not completely gone. Was watching Army put a clinic on Yale...score was 11-3 about a third of the way thru the 3rd quarter when I finished. Not awesome, but that wasn't the goal - doing something substantive was the goal, which I did.

Distance:    10000
Time:    46:36.6
Avg/500m:    02:19.8
Drag Factor:    106
Per Mile:    00:07:30

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

4.61mi, 52:22, 18 FEB 25, Lorton, Virginia

For Against, "The Pennines" (165bpm)

WX at 6 PM (23) Feb 18 34.2 (1.2) 0.1 (-17.7) 30.26 (1024) NW 7 RH 22 WC 28 (-2)
Odometer 25A: 157.9mi
TE 3.6/0.0. Exercise Load 117. Average/max heart rate = 138/147

Maintaining momentum. Today was cold, not the least of which because of the wind chill, but also, it is going to get colder tonight, so I needed to get this in ASAP.

Astoundingly, the VO2 max rating of 40 is holding, against all odds.

1.38 15:54 15:54 11:31 11:31 1.38
1.13 29:22 13:28 11:55 11:42 2.51
2.10 52:22 23:00 10:57 11:22 4.61

Monday, February 17, 2025

4.21mi, 50:53, 17 FEB 25, Lorton, Virginia

Kyle Richards, "Jester" from the PC video game Terminal Velocity (124bpm)

WX at 6 PM (23) Feb 17 39.4 (4.1) 5.5 (-14.7) 30.06 (1017) WNW 9 RH 23
Odometer 25A: 153.3mi
TE 3.3/0.0. Exercise Load 85. Average/max heart rate = 139/149

First workout in 11 days. Snow was one reason, having a terrible sinus cold was another. I went deliberately easy as I don't want to get sick again, but I got the first warning of "you are turning into a fat piece of shit" yesterday in earnest and I felt like I couldn't bag it off any further. Negative splits are partly from the usual rough start and the fact that most of the return was downhill.

Not sure I buy off on my VO2 max rating of 40, but I'll see how I feel later this week as I want to try to get in a consistent 4 or so a day.

2.11 26:30 26:30 12:34 12:34 2.11
2.10 50:53 24:23 11:37 12:05 4.21

Thursday, February 06, 2025

10,000m on Concept2 Model D, 45:05.7, 6 FEB 25, Lorton, Virginia

 iThink: none as I was watching episode 6 of Deutschland 83.

WX at 7 PM (0) Feb 06     43.7 (6.5)     39.2 (4.0)     29.83 (1010)     Calm     

Odometer 14B: 411.0mi
TE 3.6/0.0   Exercise load 128.  Average/max heart rate 138/153

First erg in a bit since the weather improved. I took too long getting out the door and ended up rowing instead of running in the dark. This was suitable to task but the Garmin is still saying I'm overtrained. I still think my HRV baseline was off at start and that's probably a reason why.

Distance:    10000
Time:    45:05.7
Avg/500m:    02:15.3
Drag Factor:    101
Per Mile:    00:07:15

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

7.68mi, 87:44, 4 FEB 25, Lorton, Virginia

Sugarcult, Dead Living (160bpm)

WX at 7 PM (0) Feb 04 46.9 (8.3) 22.1 (-5.5) 30.21 (1023) NW 7 RH 37
Odometer 25A: 149.1mi
TE 3.9/0.1. Exercise Load 151. Average/max heart rate = 133/148

Today was maybe ill-advised as I went long two days in a row, but there's snow forecasted for tomorrow, so I'm putting this in now to get something in before taking tomorrow off. I was trying to run more fluidly but I'm sure my knees are going to act up Real Soon Now.

I was surprised that my HRM was reading what it was -- I felt like I was definitely working harder than the HRM would suggest (and certainly running negative splits on something this long is another factor). My heart rate variability has been low for a few days now, although I think I'm going to chalk that up to a bad baseline since apart from today, I don't think I've been overtraining.

1.34 15:29 15:29 11:33 11:33 1.34
1.17 29:44 14:15 12:11 11:51 2.51
1.31 45:12 15:28 11:48 11:50 3.82
1.31 60:03 14:51 11:20 11:42 5.13
1.17 72:44 12:41 10:50 11:33 6.30
1.38 87:44 15:00 10:52 11:25 7.68

Monday, February 03, 2025

6.66mi, 76:42, 3 FEB 25, Lorton, Virginia

Y. Takada, "Primitive ~Origin~ (Hero's Theme)" (~144bpm)

WX at 6 PM (23) Feb 03 48.6 (9.2) 38.8 (3.8) 29.92 (1013) Calm RH 69
Odometer 25A: 142.4mi
TE 3.9/0.0. Exercise Load 154. Average/max heart rate = 142/154

First time running off pavement, doing my standard 6.66 run around my house. I deliberately was not going hard, but the uphill sections were still pretty challenging as I was trying not to go too deep into zone 3/4. Conditions were pleasant, helped a bit by the higher humidity today rather than what is usually the case in the winter. In spite of not going as hard as I thought, the times were better than the last time I had a recorded run, which I chalk up to not training as hard, not necessarily being in actually better shape. I need to start building base again as I have started to chunk out very slightly.

I do need to get more disciplined about stretching as my hamstrings and achilles tendon were definitely acting up.

1.67 19:07 19:07 11:27 11:27 1.67
1.66 38:15 19:08 11:32 11:29 3.33
1.66 57:14 18:59 11:26 11:28 4.99
1.67 76:42 19:28 11:39 11:31 6.66

Saturday, February 01, 2025

7.71mi, 92:29, 1 FEB 25, Lorton, Virginia

Sugarcult, Dead Living (160bpm)
Network Music Ensemble, Energy (160 bpm)

WX at 4 PM (21) Feb 01 48.0 (8.9) 14.7 (-9.6) 30.26 (1024) N 8 RH 26
Odometer 25A: 135.7mi
TE 3.7/0.0. Exercise Load 129. Average/max heart rate = 135/148

Where the fuck did January go?

Deliberately easy run today. This felt okay, although my hamstrings are very tight afterwards. Didn't realize both iThinks had the same BPM. If it works, it works.

1.37 16:50 16:50 12:17 12:17 1.37
1.18 31:53 15:03 12:45 12:30 2.55
1.30 48:09 16:16 12:31 12:30 3.85
1.34 64:01 15:52 11:50 12:20 5.19
1.15 76:52 12:51 11:10 12:07 6.34
1.37 92:29 15:37 11:24 12:00 7.71