Tommy Keene, "Drowning"
WX at 0500: 80.1 (26.7), DP 73.0 (22.8), BP 29.54 (1000), S 9 overcast, RH 79%
WX at 0700: 80.1 (26.7), DP 73.0 (22.8), BP 29.53 (999.8), S 15 overcast, RH 79%
Odometer 4: 51.6mi
Z3 low long run, Z3 2-miler
Resting heart rate before start = 48 (122/79)
I was going to run the physical fitness test with some members of the class, but I wanted to make sure I got in some distance this morning too.
This morning was abominably humid and sticky. If it was 79%, it sure didn't feel like it. The two miler was actually quite nice compared to what it was early this morning.
I'll probably feel it later, but it sure does feel all right now.
AHEC Agreg Segmt PerMi AvgPc Dist
0.50 04:20 04:20 08:40 08:40 0.50
0.96 12:57 08:37 08:59 08:52 1.46
0.54 17:39 04:42 08:42 08:49 2.00
1.29 29:34 11:55 09:14 08:59 3.29
1.06 39:06 09:32 09:00 08:59 4.35
0.42 42:50 03:44 08:53 08:59 4.77
0.44 46:50 04:00 09:05 08:59 5.21
0.53 51:43 04:53 09:13 09:01 5.74
0.56 56:37 04:54 08:45 08:59 6.30
0.50 60:54 04:17 08:34 08:57 6.80
2mir: 16:02
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Monday, August 29, 2005
Latest Piece of Leisure Reading
Ralph Peters, The War In 2020
What a glum book. I remember seeing it on the Armor Center's reading list once, long ago. An interesting view of futures (particularly since I hold a specialty that generally lends itself doing futures work), and somewhat parochial in its views, but a pretty engaging read. It took me about two hours tonight when I probably should've been reading doctrine for homework instead.
It's amazing how knowledge of certain dynamics of national and military policy change how you view certain books. In that respect, my attendance at Carlisle Barracks this summer has been nothing short of transformational, even if it underscores my desire to get back with troops in a general staff with troops assignment as a division planner.
In spite of all this, all I really want to do is drink Absente instead. I picked up a bottle at Wells Discount Liquors in Baltimore this past weekend. Then again, I want to go for a long run tomorrow and maybe that's not such a brilliant idea. I guess we'll see.
What a glum book. I remember seeing it on the Armor Center's reading list once, long ago. An interesting view of futures (particularly since I hold a specialty that generally lends itself doing futures work), and somewhat parochial in its views, but a pretty engaging read. It took me about two hours tonight when I probably should've been reading doctrine for homework instead.
It's amazing how knowledge of certain dynamics of national and military policy change how you view certain books. In that respect, my attendance at Carlisle Barracks this summer has been nothing short of transformational, even if it underscores my desire to get back with troops in a general staff with troops assignment as a division planner.
In spite of all this, all I really want to do is drink Absente instead. I picked up a bottle at Wells Discount Liquors in Baltimore this past weekend. Then again, I want to go for a long run tomorrow and maybe that's not such a brilliant idea. I guess we'll see.
4.78mi, 41:19
Michael Kamen, "Austria" from Band of Brothers
Random running cadence from Band of Brothers
We pull up on the risers and we fall down on the grass
We never land upon our feet, we always hit our ass
Good God, Christ Almighty, who the Hell are we?
Zim zam, God damn, airborne infantry!
WX at 0700: 71 (22), DP 69 (21), BP 30.00 (1015.8), calm fog/mist, RH 94%
Odometer 3: 179.3mi
Z3 low.
Resting heart rate before start = 58 (119/82)
And no, I'm not an infantryman...but I have been a paratrooper for a while, and a large chunk of what I did was almost indistinguishable from what people outside the airborne community thought infantrymen did anyway.
I was using DVD Decrypter this morning to generate some video clips and was culling from my Region 3 set of Band of Brothers. Thank god for Remote Selector that makes my DVD-ROM region free, Macrovision-free, turns off all lockouts, and doesn't cost a cent...and of course, I'll be stripping out all CSS, RCE, and Macrovision in my finished products. Ha.
Today was an exercise in very controlled pace. I wanted to run at barely aerobic effort just to see what pacing felt like at a certain pace. I was probably going a little faster than I probably should've for marathon pace, but I think I need to get my game plan in order Real Soon Now so I'm actually progressing along a plan.
Incomplete ones this morning:
halfish: 5:04
1: 13:42 (8:37)
2: 22;22 (8:40)
3: 30:49 (8:27)
didn't take any others: 41:19
Random running cadence from Band of Brothers
We pull up on the risers and we fall down on the grass
We never land upon our feet, we always hit our ass
Good God, Christ Almighty, who the Hell are we?
Zim zam, God damn, airborne infantry!
WX at 0700: 71 (22), DP 69 (21), BP 30.00 (1015.8), calm fog/mist, RH 94%
Odometer 3: 179.3mi
Z3 low.
Resting heart rate before start = 58 (119/82)
And no, I'm not an infantryman...but I have been a paratrooper for a while, and a large chunk of what I did was almost indistinguishable from what people outside the airborne community thought infantrymen did anyway.
I was using DVD Decrypter this morning to generate some video clips and was culling from my Region 3 set of Band of Brothers. Thank god for Remote Selector that makes my DVD-ROM region free, Macrovision-free, turns off all lockouts, and doesn't cost a cent...and of course, I'll be stripping out all CSS, RCE, and Macrovision in my finished products. Ha.
Today was an exercise in very controlled pace. I wanted to run at barely aerobic effort just to see what pacing felt like at a certain pace. I was probably going a little faster than I probably should've for marathon pace, but I think I need to get my game plan in order Real Soon Now so I'm actually progressing along a plan.
Incomplete ones this morning:
halfish: 5:04
1: 13:42 (8:37)
2: 22;22 (8:40)
3: 30:49 (8:27)
didn't take any others: 41:19
Sunday, August 28, 2005
10.0mi, 76:04
Phil Collins, "Son of Man" (no shit.)
Cruiserweight, "To Be Quite Honest"
WX at 0900: 69 (20), DP 63 (17), BP 30.03 (1016.8), calm mostly cloudy, RH 81%
Odometer 4: 42.8mi
Z4. Man, did that hurt.
Resting heart rate before start = no reading.
True to form, I decided to run the York Rail Trail 10-Miler. It was actually not a bad race, other than the fact that I had to beg for a ride back to the start. It was surprisingly fast, although as I found out later, it's a generally downhill course.
I was able to generally stop myself from running too fast at the start, and clocked the slowest (relative to other 10-milers I've run) first mile I've ever run. This is important, although as forunes turned out, I ran out of gas around 8 miles and started running markedly slower. Split 9 is not accurate; I had already passed through the water station to tank up when I did before I realized I should have hit the split. The other thing that probably hurt me was the fact that I ran mile 7 in 6:54. I can't believe I did that. That was probably dumb, but I was drafting some woman who was running about the same pace, albeit jockeying back and forth for relative position. This cost me bad in mile 8, now that I think of it. Oops.
The race started an hour earlier than I thought it would. I'm glad I got there when I did.
Still, to run a 76:04 10-miler was all right given the total lack of taper I put into it.
0:07:25 0:07:25 0:07:25 01
0:14:51 0:07:26 0:07:25 02
0:22:30 0:07:39 0:07:30 03
0:29:51 0:07:21 0:07:28 04
0:37:27 0:07:36 0:07:29 05
0:45:09 0:07:42 0:07:31 06
0:52:03 0:06:54 0:07:26 07
0:59:58 0:07:55 0:07:30 08
1:08:39 0:08:41 0:07:38 09
1:16:04 0:07:25 0:07:36 10
Cruiserweight, "To Be Quite Honest"
WX at 0900: 69 (20), DP 63 (17), BP 30.03 (1016.8), calm mostly cloudy, RH 81%
Odometer 4: 42.8mi
Z4. Man, did that hurt.
Resting heart rate before start = no reading.
True to form, I decided to run the York Rail Trail 10-Miler. It was actually not a bad race, other than the fact that I had to beg for a ride back to the start. It was surprisingly fast, although as I found out later, it's a generally downhill course.
I was able to generally stop myself from running too fast at the start, and clocked the slowest (relative to other 10-milers I've run) first mile I've ever run. This is important, although as forunes turned out, I ran out of gas around 8 miles and started running markedly slower. Split 9 is not accurate; I had already passed through the water station to tank up when I did before I realized I should have hit the split. The other thing that probably hurt me was the fact that I ran mile 7 in 6:54. I can't believe I did that. That was probably dumb, but I was drafting some woman who was running about the same pace, albeit jockeying back and forth for relative position. This cost me bad in mile 8, now that I think of it. Oops.
The race started an hour earlier than I thought it would. I'm glad I got there when I did.
Still, to run a 76:04 10-miler was all right given the total lack of taper I put into it.
0:07:25 0:07:25 0:07:25 01
0:14:51 0:07:26 0:07:25 02
0:22:30 0:07:39 0:07:30 03
0:29:51 0:07:21 0:07:28 04
0:37:27 0:07:36 0:07:29 05
0:45:09 0:07:42 0:07:31 06
0:52:03 0:06:54 0:07:26 07
0:59:58 0:07:55 0:07:30 08
1:08:39 0:08:41 0:07:38 09
1:16:04 0:07:25 0:07:36 10
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
6.8mi, 53:48
cruiserweight, "Permanent Things"
John Williams, "Duel of the Fates"
WX at 0700: 59 (15), DP 56 (13), BP 30.12 (1020.0), SW 5, RH 90%
Odometer 4: 32.8mi
Resting heart rate before start = 49 (128/76)
I can't believe I'm seeing WX like this in August. I'm seriously thinking about running the York Rail Trail 10-Miler on Saturday as it offers an opportunity to do some good competitive running on a slightly different surface.
Nothing fancy, but a nice easy straightforward 7-miler today to kick off my new comfort of not having to do speedwork for another, oh, 5 months or so.
Actually, today felt amazingly relaxed for going at fairly basic Z3 pace, if perceived effort was any indicator. It sure doesn't feel like I was shaking as much of a leg as I was at the end. Awwright!
0.50 04:09 04:09 08:18 08:18 0.50
0.96 11:54 07:45 08:04 08:09 1.46
0.54 16:06 04:12 07:47 08:03 2.00
1.29 26:34 10:28 08:07 08:04 3.29
1.06 35:04 08:30 08:01 08:04 4.35
0.42 38:16 03:12 07:37 08:01 4.77
0.44 41:51 03:35 08:09 08:02 5.21
0.53 46:00 04:09 07:50 08:01 5.74
0.56 50:11 04:11 07:28 07:58 6.30
0.50 53:48 03:37 07:14 07:55 6.80
John Williams, "Duel of the Fates"
WX at 0700: 59 (15), DP 56 (13), BP 30.12 (1020.0), SW 5, RH 90%
Odometer 4: 32.8mi
Resting heart rate before start = 49 (128/76)
I can't believe I'm seeing WX like this in August. I'm seriously thinking about running the York Rail Trail 10-Miler on Saturday as it offers an opportunity to do some good competitive running on a slightly different surface.
Nothing fancy, but a nice easy straightforward 7-miler today to kick off my new comfort of not having to do speedwork for another, oh, 5 months or so.
Actually, today felt amazingly relaxed for going at fairly basic Z3 pace, if perceived effort was any indicator. It sure doesn't feel like I was shaking as much of a leg as I was at the end. Awwright!
0.50 04:09 04:09 08:18 08:18 0.50
0.96 11:54 07:45 08:04 08:09 1.46
0.54 16:06 04:12 07:47 08:03 2.00
1.29 26:34 10:28 08:07 08:04 3.29
1.06 35:04 08:30 08:01 08:04 4.35
0.42 38:16 03:12 07:37 08:01 4.77
0.44 41:51 03:35 08:09 08:02 5.21
0.53 46:00 04:09 07:50 08:01 5.74
0.56 50:11 04:11 07:28 07:58 6.30
0.50 53:48 03:37 07:14 07:55 6.80
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Record APFT, 295 points
What I listened to on the way in:
mewithoutyou, "January 1979"
The eventual two-mile run mantra:
Martin Walker, theme music to Speedball 2
WX at 0700: 58 (14), DP 55 (13), BP 30.00 (1015.8), SW 7 fair, RH 90%
Conditions were excellent, although I would've liked it just a few degrees cooler.
Raw scores:
75 pushups. I need to work on these for the next time, I had to work pretty hard to get these 75.
80 situps. Not too hard.
13:45 run. After all the work, I ran some unbelievably inconsistent splits.
184 at the weigh-in...looks like I'll be weighing in tomorrow after I do a loooooooong run. Time to see if I can dodge getting taped for body fat percentage.
Time to get ready for marathon training in earnest. I figure after a 10-miler, I'll be ready to weigh in.
I'm jettisoning my racing shoes after this. They're done.
1: 1:28
2: 1:31
3: 1:55
4: 1:43 (Mile 1: 6:38)
5: 1:56
6: 1:34
7: 1:50
8: 1:44 (Mile 2: 13:44)
mewithoutyou, "January 1979"
The eventual two-mile run mantra:
Martin Walker, theme music to Speedball 2
WX at 0700: 58 (14), DP 55 (13), BP 30.00 (1015.8), SW 7 fair, RH 90%
Conditions were excellent, although I would've liked it just a few degrees cooler.
Raw scores:
75 pushups. I need to work on these for the next time, I had to work pretty hard to get these 75.
80 situps. Not too hard.
13:45 run. After all the work, I ran some unbelievably inconsistent splits.
184 at the weigh-in...looks like I'll be weighing in tomorrow after I do a loooooooong run. Time to see if I can dodge getting taped for body fat percentage.
Time to get ready for marathon training in earnest. I figure after a 10-miler, I'll be ready to weigh in.
I'm jettisoning my racing shoes after this. They're done.
1: 1:28
2: 1:31
3: 1:55
4: 1:43 (Mile 1: 6:38)
5: 1:56
6: 1:34
7: 1:50
8: 1:44 (Mile 2: 13:44)
Thursday, August 18, 2005
5.5mi (8x400 intervals)
Letters to Cleo, "Pizza Cutter"
Corrosion of Conformity, "What(?)"
WX at 0700: 63 (17) DP 60 (16), BP 30.07 (1018.3), calm, RH 90%
Odometer 3: 173.5mi
Z4 high-Z5.
Resting heart rate before start = 52 (127/80)
The fastest yet. Weather was also about as good as I'm likely to see it this summer.
Next Tuesday, I intend to do the PT test. Based on today, I think I'm ready. Latency times in between splits are no better, but the splits are. I'm almost embarrassed to admit how much speedwork has helped me. I think I actually stand a credible shot at running under 14 minutes now. The goal is 13:18 for the two-mile. Since my slowest split was 99, this is encouraging.
Taper to follow after I do the Baltimore-Annapolis HHH Beer Mile on Friday, if jwer decides to join in.
1: 92/2:39
2: 93/2:41
3: 91/2:47
4: 89/2:47
5: 96/3:07
6: 99/2:52
7: 90/3:17
8: 89/2:37
Corrosion of Conformity, "What(?)"
WX at 0700: 63 (17) DP 60 (16), BP 30.07 (1018.3), calm, RH 90%
Odometer 3: 173.5mi
Z4 high-Z5.
Resting heart rate before start = 52 (127/80)
The fastest yet. Weather was also about as good as I'm likely to see it this summer.
Next Tuesday, I intend to do the PT test. Based on today, I think I'm ready. Latency times in between splits are no better, but the splits are. I'm almost embarrassed to admit how much speedwork has helped me. I think I actually stand a credible shot at running under 14 minutes now. The goal is 13:18 for the two-mile. Since my slowest split was 99, this is encouraging.
Taper to follow after I do the Baltimore-Annapolis HHH Beer Mile on Friday, if jwer decides to join in.
1: 92/2:39
2: 93/2:41
3: 91/2:47
4: 89/2:47
5: 96/3:07
6: 99/2:52
7: 90/3:17
8: 89/2:37
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
2.5mi, time indeterminate
The Bats, "Courage"
The Bats, "Sighting The Sound"
WX at 0700: 72 (22), DP 68 (20), BP 30.10 (1019.3), E 6 fog, RH 87%
Odometer 4: 26.0mi
Resting heart rate before start = no reading today.
Today was going to be speedwork, but I woke up late and realized I'd forgotten to do the homework for class this morning.
Instead, I decided to try to vet the course for the two-mile run I've plotted digitally. It looks close, but I'll have to grid it in with a GPS later. While I was hitting splits around 2:10 or so, I don't think I was really going 8:40 pace...or maybe I was. The GPS will be the determinant, either way.
The other thing I have to check is the slope of the hill around split 7. I have to be sure that it doesn't exceed 3% or I've got to start from scratch and map out a new course.
This will entail getting back to my cavalry scout roots and doing the manual computation for slope of a hill just I learned in the Scout Platoon Leader Course over ten years ago. Ha!
start: 1:28 (not 1/4mi)
1: 2:05
2: 2:12
3: 2:09
4: 2:17
5: 2:06
6: 2:07
7: 2:02
8: 2:21
residual: 3:17 (not 1/4mi)
The Bats, "Sighting The Sound"
WX at 0700: 72 (22), DP 68 (20), BP 30.10 (1019.3), E 6 fog, RH 87%
Odometer 4: 26.0mi
Resting heart rate before start = no reading today.
Today was going to be speedwork, but I woke up late and realized I'd forgotten to do the homework for class this morning.
Instead, I decided to try to vet the course for the two-mile run I've plotted digitally. It looks close, but I'll have to grid it in with a GPS later. While I was hitting splits around 2:10 or so, I don't think I was really going 8:40 pace...or maybe I was. The GPS will be the determinant, either way.
The other thing I have to check is the slope of the hill around split 7. I have to be sure that it doesn't exceed 3% or I've got to start from scratch and map out a new course.
This will entail getting back to my cavalry scout roots and doing the manual computation for slope of a hill just I learned in the Scout Platoon Leader Course over ten years ago. Ha!
start: 1:28 (not 1/4mi)
1: 2:05
2: 2:12
3: 2:09
4: 2:17
5: 2:06
6: 2:07
7: 2:02
8: 2:21
residual: 3:17 (not 1/4mi)
Monday, August 15, 2005
5.0mi, 40:46
cheesy background music to some 1997 US Air Force propaganda film
John Murphy, "Taxi (Ave Maria)" from 28 Days After soundtrack
WX at 0700: 71 (22), DP 63 (17), BP 30.06 (1017.8), vrbl 5 clouds, RH 76%
Odometer 4: 22.5mi
Z3 high/Z4.
Resting heart rate before start = 51 (135/90)
Yesterday would've been a day off had I not decided to go to the gym and row 10,000m on the ergometer. It was somewhat painful (and I generally thrash my hands in the process) but strangely therapeutic. It also marks the first legitimate cross-training I've done since coming here, so I might do that more often to prevent from getting stale or something like that.
Today was surprisingly fast for feeling like ass all weekend long.
Too bad my knees are starting to hurt again. This is with new shoes. This is a bad sign. Maybe I'm just getting older. Stacking dipenhydramine with prednisone and starting today, with naproxen sodium has to be doing something. Probably nothing beneficial for my stomach. On the other hand, I was pretty judicious not to hit the bottle while taking the dipenhydramine...tho' it didn't stop me from killing it Friday night while I was still on the prednisone.
initial half or so: 4:53
1: 13:01/8:08
2: 21:12/8:10
3: 29:31/8:18
4: 37:12/7:41
final half or so: 3:33
aggregate: 40:46 (8:09)
John Murphy, "Taxi (Ave Maria)" from 28 Days After soundtrack
WX at 0700: 71 (22), DP 63 (17), BP 30.06 (1017.8), vrbl 5 clouds, RH 76%
Odometer 4: 22.5mi
Z3 high/Z4.
Resting heart rate before start = 51 (135/90)
Yesterday would've been a day off had I not decided to go to the gym and row 10,000m on the ergometer. It was somewhat painful (and I generally thrash my hands in the process) but strangely therapeutic. It also marks the first legitimate cross-training I've done since coming here, so I might do that more often to prevent from getting stale or something like that.
Today was surprisingly fast for feeling like ass all weekend long.
Too bad my knees are starting to hurt again. This is with new shoes. This is a bad sign. Maybe I'm just getting older. Stacking dipenhydramine with prednisone and starting today, with naproxen sodium has to be doing something. Probably nothing beneficial for my stomach. On the other hand, I was pretty judicious not to hit the bottle while taking the dipenhydramine...tho' it didn't stop me from killing it Friday night while I was still on the prednisone.
initial half or so: 4:53
1: 13:01/8:08
2: 21:12/8:10
3: 29:31/8:18
4: 37:12/7:41
final half or so: 3:33
aggregate: 40:46 (8:09)
Saturday, August 13, 2005
5.0mi, time indeterminate
Neil Diamond, "America"
WX at 1100: 88 (31), DP 72 (22), BP 29.96 (1014.1), W 5 haze, RH 59%, heat index 95 (35)
Odometer 4: 17.5mi
Resting heart rate before start = 55 (127/90)
Started running, but ended up mostly walking due to the intense heat. I also drank myself into oblivion last night to the tune of 12 ounces of Delirium Nocturnum and .75 liter of Chimay Red, thanks to the Market Cross Pub. I feel like ass, in spite of rehydrating and oozing out the alcohol from the night prior.
My poison ivy's reflared, I think because of a pair of socks that I probably need to wash a few more times before I wear again. Suck.
Immaterial at this point!
WX at 1100: 88 (31), DP 72 (22), BP 29.96 (1014.1), W 5 haze, RH 59%, heat index 95 (35)
Odometer 4: 17.5mi
Resting heart rate before start = 55 (127/90)
Started running, but ended up mostly walking due to the intense heat. I also drank myself into oblivion last night to the tune of 12 ounces of Delirium Nocturnum and .75 liter of Chimay Red, thanks to the Market Cross Pub. I feel like ass, in spite of rehydrating and oozing out the alcohol from the night prior.
My poison ivy's reflared, I think because of a pair of socks that I probably need to wash a few more times before I wear again. Suck.
Immaterial at this point!
Thursday, August 11, 2005
5.0mi, time indeterminate
Johnny Rivers, "Secret Agent Man"
WX at 0700: 74 (23), DP 70 (21), BP 29.99 (1015.3), SW 6 haze, RH 88%
Odometer 4: 12.5mi
Resting heart rate before start = no reading
Last night marked a fairly pointed drunk festival marked principally by my two trips to the karaoke microphone. It's the first time I did, and the fact that I got up twice is testament to my obliteratedness. One of those songs, by the way, was "Secret Agent Man." The other was "Live and Let Die" by Wings.
I was running with one of my coworkers who was up in Arlington for work at the Pentagon. He's training for the Marine Corps Marathon in October, so he wanted to go for a run, and I definitely didn't need to go hard after yesterday, not the least because of my epiphany this morning of two things when I woke up:
1 - I still smelled like alcohol (which was to be expected based on how much I drank).
2 - I might have quite possibly still have been slightly drunk when I woke up.
I'm quite sober now, and undoubtedly the residual alcohol seeped out of my pores on the run, but I guess that's not the point. On the other hand, I did get a good recovery run. Definitely not too hard, and that's a good thing.
Tomorrow will mark a smoker if I can wake up early enough to make it happen.
No reason. If you're timing a Z1 run, you're not timing it for the right reason. Out and back time about 53 minutes.
WX at 0700: 74 (23), DP 70 (21), BP 29.99 (1015.3), SW 6 haze, RH 88%
Odometer 4: 12.5mi
Resting heart rate before start = no reading
Last night marked a fairly pointed drunk festival marked principally by my two trips to the karaoke microphone. It's the first time I did, and the fact that I got up twice is testament to my obliteratedness. One of those songs, by the way, was "Secret Agent Man." The other was "Live and Let Die" by Wings.
I was running with one of my coworkers who was up in Arlington for work at the Pentagon. He's training for the Marine Corps Marathon in October, so he wanted to go for a run, and I definitely didn't need to go hard after yesterday, not the least because of my epiphany this morning of two things when I woke up:
1 - I still smelled like alcohol (which was to be expected based on how much I drank).
2 - I might have quite possibly still have been slightly drunk when I woke up.
I'm quite sober now, and undoubtedly the residual alcohol seeped out of my pores on the run, but I guess that's not the point. On the other hand, I did get a good recovery run. Definitely not too hard, and that's a good thing.
Tomorrow will mark a smoker if I can wake up early enough to make it happen.
No reason. If you're timing a Z1 run, you're not timing it for the right reason. Out and back time about 53 minutes.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
7.5mi, 64:48
Michael Kamen, "Band of Brothers Suite No. 2"
Philip Glass, opening credits to Hamburger Hill
WX at 0600: 73.0 (22.8), BP 69.1 (20.6), DP 30.04 (1017), NNW 8 overcast, RH 87%
Odometer 4: 7.5mi
Z3 high.
Resting heart rate before start = no reading.
New shoes! I decided it was time to retire the Asics Gel-Cumulus shoes I'd been running the last, oh, about 10 months and go get some new ones. I scored the last Asics GT-2100s that were in the post exchange. From what I can tell, they're discontinuing carrying it, which is going to suck, because I can't beat the $70 they sell it for anywhere else. The shoe anywhere else ends up being over a $90 shoe.
To get to Fort Myer, though, I ended up hopping a taxi. No big deal. Since I didn't feel like paying $6.65 to get back, though, I ended up walking back to the Doubletree at Pentagon City, where my class is staying while we conduct the Interagency staff ride portion of the class (i.e., tour various places in town and ask pointed questions not for attribution)
The walk back to the hotel was along Courthouse Road, Columbia Pike, and Army Navy Drive. About 40 minutes, actually not a bad walk. I suspect that makes up for the amount of chow I ingested yesterday (a considerable amount).
Today's run was along the Mount Vernon Trail. The usual quotient of curvy people in technical running garb, some not so attractive, some blisteringly hot. I was averaging about 8:25/mi or so. That was a pleasant surprise. So was all the scenery...
enter trail 10:51
mile 19:10 (8:18)
mile 27:42 (8:32)
partial 33:40 (5:57)
partial 39:48 (6:08)
mile 48:11 (8:22)
mile 56:42 (8:30)
exit trail 64:48 (8:06) different route
Philip Glass, opening credits to Hamburger Hill
WX at 0600: 73.0 (22.8), BP 69.1 (20.6), DP 30.04 (1017), NNW 8 overcast, RH 87%
Odometer 4: 7.5mi
Z3 high.
Resting heart rate before start = no reading.
New shoes! I decided it was time to retire the Asics Gel-Cumulus shoes I'd been running the last, oh, about 10 months and go get some new ones. I scored the last Asics GT-2100s that were in the post exchange. From what I can tell, they're discontinuing carrying it, which is going to suck, because I can't beat the $70 they sell it for anywhere else. The shoe anywhere else ends up being over a $90 shoe.
To get to Fort Myer, though, I ended up hopping a taxi. No big deal. Since I didn't feel like paying $6.65 to get back, though, I ended up walking back to the Doubletree at Pentagon City, where my class is staying while we conduct the Interagency staff ride portion of the class (i.e., tour various places in town and ask pointed questions not for attribution)
The walk back to the hotel was along Courthouse Road, Columbia Pike, and Army Navy Drive. About 40 minutes, actually not a bad walk. I suspect that makes up for the amount of chow I ingested yesterday (a considerable amount).
Today's run was along the Mount Vernon Trail. The usual quotient of curvy people in technical running garb, some not so attractive, some blisteringly hot. I was averaging about 8:25/mi or so. That was a pleasant surprise. So was all the scenery...
enter trail 10:51
mile 19:10 (8:18)
mile 27:42 (8:32)
partial 33:40 (5:57)
partial 39:48 (6:08)
mile 48:11 (8:22)
mile 56:42 (8:30)
exit trail 64:48 (8:06) different route
Monday, August 08, 2005
5.5mi (8x400 intervals)
David Whittaker, Title music from the ancient computer game Speedball
WX at 0700: 73 (23), DP 69 (21), BP 30.14 (1020.6), E 3 fog/mist, RH 87%
Odometer 3: 168.0mi
Z4 high.
Resting heart rate before start = no reading.
The weather keeps getting shittier, the times keep getting faster. Splits are getting faster (although not consistently). Rest times between splits aren't by much, though.
That points to two factors:
1 - I was energized by my residual fury from last night.
2 - I'm actually getting fitter.
David Whittaker's theme from Speedball makes a usable speedwork mantra, probably a better one than Henry Rollins' "Drive-By Shooting." The mindset is the same, though. It's still about beating the crap out of people in one setting or another.
Some would say that it's not healthy to seethe as much as I do, but I'm not dead yet.
1: 96/2:40
2: 100/2:40
3: 92/2:48
4: 88/2:41
5: 101/2:58
6: 103/2:55
7: 95/2:54
8: 93/2:36
WX at 0700: 73 (23), DP 69 (21), BP 30.14 (1020.6), E 3 fog/mist, RH 87%
Odometer 3: 168.0mi
Z4 high.
Resting heart rate before start = no reading.
The weather keeps getting shittier, the times keep getting faster. Splits are getting faster (although not consistently). Rest times between splits aren't by much, though.
That points to two factors:
1 - I was energized by my residual fury from last night.
2 - I'm actually getting fitter.
David Whittaker's theme from Speedball makes a usable speedwork mantra, probably a better one than Henry Rollins' "Drive-By Shooting." The mindset is the same, though. It's still about beating the crap out of people in one setting or another.
Some would say that it's not healthy to seethe as much as I do, but I'm not dead yet.
1: 96/2:40
2: 100/2:40
3: 92/2:48
4: 88/2:41
5: 101/2:58
6: 103/2:55
7: 95/2:54
8: 93/2:36
Sunday, August 07, 2005
A thought-provoking weekend
I was going to post about my lackluster run yesterday and sleeping in this morning, but I had occasion to go to Myrtle Beach this weekend as all my in-laws were converging on my parents'-in-law house, so this'll add it to the end.
On the way down on Friday, I finally got around to reading Euripedes' The Trojan Women and it was a sobering read. I was prompted to read it after some reading of the Melian Dialogue (which I've commented on before).
Someday, when I have occasion to look back on my service, I would hope that I never have occasion to say that "we lost our way." The most pointed parts of it for me (as a parent, at least) related to the death of Astyanax, Hector's infant son, who is killed by the victorious Greeks by being pitched off the walls of Troy before the city is burned. I think back to the promise I made myself at the age of 18, about how I could only serve with a clear conscience. My conscience is still clean, for now, at least.
Earlier that morning, I'd read a little about the ceremonies of the 60th anniversary of the destruction of Hiroshima. There was some more about it in the NY Times, but the Washington Post article was the one that stuck in place. Maybe it was the commemoration of the Korean victims of the bombing. This is not to debate the morality of destroying Hiroshima or Nagasaki (which was destroyed three days later on 9 August 1945), because IMHO, the Japanese would have continued to fight on...and I think casualty estimates for Operation DOWNFALL would've been largely correct, at least the ones from the Joint Chiefs of Staff saying 1.2 million casualties with about 267,000 KIA/DOW (died of wounds). And that's just for the American side.
Then again, after a win of that nature, would we have won the peace that we did less than ten years after the end of World War II? That's a topic that's weighed heavily on me as I go through the course I take at Carlisle. The American Civil War lasted for about 5 years of open hostilities. It was the inability of the Union to win the peace (i.e., the failure of Reconstruction) that led to having to pass things like the Civil Rights Act of 1964. I would conservatively say the peace in the South was not won until, I'd say, about 1972 or so. It took some legislation and an activist Supreme Court to set things right.
This was a strange and somewhat shitty weekend.
I got a crack in my windshield on the drive down on Friday. I'm particularly assed up for the basic reason that THIS IS THE THIRD GODDAMN WINDSHIELD ON THE CHRISTALFUCKINGMIGHTY MOTHERFUCKING KUBELWAGEN THAT'S CRACKED IN THE LAST TWO, SHITTY-ASS, GODDAMN, FUCKING YEARS.
That being said, it happened in Baltimore on the way down to BWI airport. Some asshole cut off the guy in front of me, the guy hits the brakes, I hit the brakes, something hits the goddamn windshield, and I get a fucking 14 inch crack in my front windshield on the DRIVER'S SIDE. This led to about 90 seconds of invective that I can't say in front of the kids.
I also neglected to pack casual shorts on Friday. I was a little fucking pissed since I was thinking about it, but had to turn in the final of my exam and realized that my exam was too big, and I had to go back and turn in a corrected version, at 1:45am the night prior. I wasn't really thinking straight. I should've checked, especially since I was actually thinking about it as I was driving away from the quarters on Carlisle Barracks.
I spent a lot of time with my children this weekend. That was time well spent, and I read to them at night, and played in a swimming pool with them, and it was good.
I spent no time at all with Household6. Our only substantive conversation this weekend, on the drive back to Myrtle Beach airport from the in-laws' house (about 30 minutes), was an argument about money, since from what I can tell, we have more going out than we have coming in. I have very fundamental problems about living off credit (or in this case, trimming into a savings account to stay in black at the end of the month). I can rationalize it, sort of, when I realize that the Princess will be in kindergarten next year, and the Sledgehammer will follow the year after that, but in the meantime, I don't like paying interest on shit that I don't really need to pay interest on, IMHO. We didn't discuss anything else other than loose shit about her job, or brief gory details about the mechanics of some my my in-laws' relationships. The last two topic areas collectively took about 150 seconds of conversation all weekend.
From what I can tell, here's what's bothering me:
- Both parents love their children. That's a given.
- One parent can't let go of (some potentially ersatz) intellectualism and in doing so, has driven himself into some fairly punishing introspection. He's also thought about what it would mean in the worst-case scenario.
- One parent is so devoted to the children that she runs herself into the ground without thinking through the second and third-order effects of what has happened.
- Both parents are gotten sidetracked to the point where in trying to be good parents, they've lost what it means to be a couple.
On the way back to Carlisle Barracks, I was working through the other plays in the anthology (translated by Edith Hamilton), the last of which was Aeschylus' Agamemnon. Clytemnestra, Agamemnon's wife, kills him (and the princess Cassandra, who has gone clearly insane, as Euripedes describes) upon his return from Troy, for having sacrificed his own daughter Iphigenia as a human sacrifice to give good winds for the battle fleet sailing for Troy. Between my reading about the Beyond Goldwater-Nichols project at CSIS, I guess I'd rather be reading Greek tragedy. It's lighter reading for me than government interagency procedural reform.
Oh, and the run yesterday:
5.02mi, 41:43
Guided By Voices, "Hold on Hope"
Rush, "Mission"
Rush, "Turn The Page"
WX at 0700: 81 (27), DP 73 (22), BP 30.10 (1019), calm, RH 76.8%
Odometer 2: 477.8mi
Z2 start, Z3 mid-high finish.
Resting heart rate before start = no reading.
I attempted to cut short the length of the pre-start, and went about two miles before finding an open latrine that allowed me to take the desperate relief that I should've planned for. Sigh.
The finish was okay. I was running a bit better at the end, particularly at the first end, but altogether not a bad finish for a weekend where I was pretty tired.
Tomorrow I do speedwork, and I'm going to make it as brutal as I can make it.
0.98: 7:47 7:47 (7:56)
4.04: 41:43 33:56 (8:24)
On the way down on Friday, I finally got around to reading Euripedes' The Trojan Women and it was a sobering read. I was prompted to read it after some reading of the Melian Dialogue (which I've commented on before).
Someday, when I have occasion to look back on my service, I would hope that I never have occasion to say that "we lost our way." The most pointed parts of it for me (as a parent, at least) related to the death of Astyanax, Hector's infant son, who is killed by the victorious Greeks by being pitched off the walls of Troy before the city is burned. I think back to the promise I made myself at the age of 18, about how I could only serve with a clear conscience. My conscience is still clean, for now, at least.
Earlier that morning, I'd read a little about the ceremonies of the 60th anniversary of the destruction of Hiroshima. There was some more about it in the NY Times, but the Washington Post article was the one that stuck in place. Maybe it was the commemoration of the Korean victims of the bombing. This is not to debate the morality of destroying Hiroshima or Nagasaki (which was destroyed three days later on 9 August 1945), because IMHO, the Japanese would have continued to fight on...and I think casualty estimates for Operation DOWNFALL would've been largely correct, at least the ones from the Joint Chiefs of Staff saying 1.2 million casualties with about 267,000 KIA/DOW (died of wounds). And that's just for the American side.
Then again, after a win of that nature, would we have won the peace that we did less than ten years after the end of World War II? That's a topic that's weighed heavily on me as I go through the course I take at Carlisle. The American Civil War lasted for about 5 years of open hostilities. It was the inability of the Union to win the peace (i.e., the failure of Reconstruction) that led to having to pass things like the Civil Rights Act of 1964. I would conservatively say the peace in the South was not won until, I'd say, about 1972 or so. It took some legislation and an activist Supreme Court to set things right.
This was a strange and somewhat shitty weekend.
I got a crack in my windshield on the drive down on Friday. I'm particularly assed up for the basic reason that THIS IS THE THIRD GODDAMN WINDSHIELD ON THE CHRISTALFUCKINGMIGHTY MOTHERFUCKING KUBELWAGEN THAT'S CRACKED IN THE LAST TWO, SHITTY-ASS, GODDAMN, FUCKING YEARS.
That being said, it happened in Baltimore on the way down to BWI airport. Some asshole cut off the guy in front of me, the guy hits the brakes, I hit the brakes, something hits the goddamn windshield, and I get a fucking 14 inch crack in my front windshield on the DRIVER'S SIDE. This led to about 90 seconds of invective that I can't say in front of the kids.
I also neglected to pack casual shorts on Friday. I was a little fucking pissed since I was thinking about it, but had to turn in the final of my exam and realized that my exam was too big, and I had to go back and turn in a corrected version, at 1:45am the night prior. I wasn't really thinking straight. I should've checked, especially since I was actually thinking about it as I was driving away from the quarters on Carlisle Barracks.
I spent a lot of time with my children this weekend. That was time well spent, and I read to them at night, and played in a swimming pool with them, and it was good.
I spent no time at all with Household6. Our only substantive conversation this weekend, on the drive back to Myrtle Beach airport from the in-laws' house (about 30 minutes), was an argument about money, since from what I can tell, we have more going out than we have coming in. I have very fundamental problems about living off credit (or in this case, trimming into a savings account to stay in black at the end of the month). I can rationalize it, sort of, when I realize that the Princess will be in kindergarten next year, and the Sledgehammer will follow the year after that, but in the meantime, I don't like paying interest on shit that I don't really need to pay interest on, IMHO. We didn't discuss anything else other than loose shit about her job, or brief gory details about the mechanics of some my my in-laws' relationships. The last two topic areas collectively took about 150 seconds of conversation all weekend.
From what I can tell, here's what's bothering me:
- Both parents love their children. That's a given.
- One parent can't let go of (some potentially ersatz) intellectualism and in doing so, has driven himself into some fairly punishing introspection. He's also thought about what it would mean in the worst-case scenario.
- One parent is so devoted to the children that she runs herself into the ground without thinking through the second and third-order effects of what has happened.
- Both parents are gotten sidetracked to the point where in trying to be good parents, they've lost what it means to be a couple.
On the way back to Carlisle Barracks, I was working through the other plays in the anthology (translated by Edith Hamilton), the last of which was Aeschylus' Agamemnon. Clytemnestra, Agamemnon's wife, kills him (and the princess Cassandra, who has gone clearly insane, as Euripedes describes) upon his return from Troy, for having sacrificed his own daughter Iphigenia as a human sacrifice to give good winds for the battle fleet sailing for Troy. Between my reading about the Beyond Goldwater-Nichols project at CSIS, I guess I'd rather be reading Greek tragedy. It's lighter reading for me than government interagency procedural reform.
Oh, and the run yesterday:
5.02mi, 41:43
Guided By Voices, "Hold on Hope"
Rush, "Mission"
Rush, "Turn The Page"
WX at 0700: 81 (27), DP 73 (22), BP 30.10 (1019), calm, RH 76.8%
Odometer 2: 477.8mi
Z2 start, Z3 mid-high finish.
Resting heart rate before start = no reading.
I attempted to cut short the length of the pre-start, and went about two miles before finding an open latrine that allowed me to take the desperate relief that I should've planned for. Sigh.
The finish was okay. I was running a bit better at the end, particularly at the first end, but altogether not a bad finish for a weekend where I was pretty tired.
Tomorrow I do speedwork, and I'm going to make it as brutal as I can make it.
0.98: 7:47 7:47 (7:56)
4.04: 41:43 33:56 (8:24)
Thursday, August 04, 2005
5.5mi (8x400 intervals)
The Bats, "Courage"
Ultimate Fakebook, "Soaked in Cinnamon"
WX at 0700: 74 (23), DP 66 (19), BP 30.07 (1018.0), W 5 haze, RH 76%
Odometer 3: 162.5mi
Z4 mid-hard
Resting heart rate before start = No reading today.
After yesterday's rest day, I felt pretty good about doing speedwork, and better still, today's times are a pretty good incremental improvement. The rest times are getting shorter, and more importantly, the iterations are starting to flatten out in the distribution of times.
Notably, the faster legs were not particularly faster today, but the whole set was more consistent, and it was based on less perceived effort than in earlier iterations.
That would imply that I'm getting stronger and fitter in that I have more power going uphills and in surges (and I was paying a lot more attention to running form this morning).
Or it could mean that I just essentially took four consecutive easy days and now I'm better rested...although I should probably get more than 5 hours of sleep a night. Gotta get to bed earlier.
1: 100/2:35
2: 103/2:36
3: 90/2:53 (reveille sounded in the middle and I had to stop)
4: 95/2:57
5: 99/2:36
6: 99/2:45
7: 95/2:53
8: 94/2:20
I can't deny the positive effects of speedwork, though. When I look at earlier iterations (most notably 23 July), the improvement is in the numbers-- especially when considering the temperatures this morning. It also doesn't hurt as much. Maybe I really should do this more often. When I look at the progress from 12 July, I really should.
Unfortunately, the poison ivy from last weekend is spreading, despite my best efforts to wash it off.
Ultimate Fakebook, "Soaked in Cinnamon"
WX at 0700: 74 (23), DP 66 (19), BP 30.07 (1018.0), W 5 haze, RH 76%
Odometer 3: 162.5mi
Z4 mid-hard
Resting heart rate before start = No reading today.
After yesterday's rest day, I felt pretty good about doing speedwork, and better still, today's times are a pretty good incremental improvement. The rest times are getting shorter, and more importantly, the iterations are starting to flatten out in the distribution of times.
Notably, the faster legs were not particularly faster today, but the whole set was more consistent, and it was based on less perceived effort than in earlier iterations.
That would imply that I'm getting stronger and fitter in that I have more power going uphills and in surges (and I was paying a lot more attention to running form this morning).
Or it could mean that I just essentially took four consecutive easy days and now I'm better rested...although I should probably get more than 5 hours of sleep a night. Gotta get to bed earlier.
1: 100/2:35
2: 103/2:36
3: 90/2:53 (reveille sounded in the middle and I had to stop)
4: 95/2:57
5: 99/2:36
6: 99/2:45
7: 95/2:53
8: 94/2:20
I can't deny the positive effects of speedwork, though. When I look at earlier iterations (most notably 23 July), the improvement is in the numbers-- especially when considering the temperatures this morning. It also doesn't hurt as much. Maybe I really should do this more often. When I look at the progress from 12 July, I really should.
Unfortunately, the poison ivy from last weekend is spreading, despite my best efforts to wash it off.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
less than a mile
Nothing in the iThink this morning.
WX at 0600: 70 (21), DP 64 (18), BP 30.01 (1016.1), W 5 fair, RH 82%
Odometer 3: 157mi
Resting heart rate before start = 54 (135/87)
I'm going to venture a guess that I overtrained this past weekend. After a short 3 miler on Monday, followed by no running yesterday, I just couldn't get in the saddle today and pulled the plug just short of a mile.
My legs, even at the start, were smoked. This is a bad, bad, bad sign. When I look back at what I did at the end of last week (full speedwork on Thursday, 7mi on Friday, fairly hard, followed by a lengthy hash over a LOT of hills, some almost vertical, then 8 miles of fairly advanced trail going up and down), I realized I should've taken it easier.
I may have to hold my speedwork until Friday to see if I can make it work this week. Plan will be for some easy running tomorrow, maybe for five.
WX at 0600: 70 (21), DP 64 (18), BP 30.01 (1016.1), W 5 fair, RH 82%
Odometer 3: 157mi
Resting heart rate before start = 54 (135/87)
I'm going to venture a guess that I overtrained this past weekend. After a short 3 miler on Monday, followed by no running yesterday, I just couldn't get in the saddle today and pulled the plug just short of a mile.
My legs, even at the start, were smoked. This is a bad, bad, bad sign. When I look back at what I did at the end of last week (full speedwork on Thursday, 7mi on Friday, fairly hard, followed by a lengthy hash over a LOT of hills, some almost vertical, then 8 miles of fairly advanced trail going up and down), I realized I should've taken it easier.
I may have to hold my speedwork until Friday to see if I can make it work this week. Plan will be for some easy running tomorrow, maybe for five.
Monday, August 01, 2005
3.1mi, 30:08
The dB's, "World To Cry"
Henry Rollins, "Drive-By Shooting"
WX at 0700: 71 (22), DP 68 (20), BP 30.17 (1021.6), S 3 fog/mist, RH 90%
Odometer 2: 471mi
Resting heart rate before start = 53 (119/76)
I'm now reaping the penalty for hashing on Saturday (which really didn't warrant logging due to the amount of walking and climbing involved) and running the AT yesterday. I now have poison ivy streaks over parts of my legs (Sunday) and on one or two isolated spots on my belly (Saturday). Goddammit!
Today was intended to be a recovery run and nothing more. I also spent it reconnoitering parts of Carlisle Barracks to use for the upcoming physical fitness test. There is no way I'm going to use the pre-marked course (which is where I do my speedwork iterations).
Now it's time to scrub my legs so I don't get more poison ivy spreadage. Shit. At least I'll be spared the oppressive heat that's supposed to hit this afternoon.
1: 10:02 (10:02)
2: 19:35 (9:32)
3.1: 30:08 (10:32)
Overall pace: 9:33
Henry Rollins, "Drive-By Shooting"
WX at 0700: 71 (22), DP 68 (20), BP 30.17 (1021.6), S 3 fog/mist, RH 90%
Odometer 2: 471mi
Resting heart rate before start = 53 (119/76)
I'm now reaping the penalty for hashing on Saturday (which really didn't warrant logging due to the amount of walking and climbing involved) and running the AT yesterday. I now have poison ivy streaks over parts of my legs (Sunday) and on one or two isolated spots on my belly (Saturday). Goddammit!
Today was intended to be a recovery run and nothing more. I also spent it reconnoitering parts of Carlisle Barracks to use for the upcoming physical fitness test. There is no way I'm going to use the pre-marked course (which is where I do my speedwork iterations).
Now it's time to scrub my legs so I don't get more poison ivy spreadage. Shit. At least I'll be spared the oppressive heat that's supposed to hit this afternoon.
1: 10:02 (10:02)
2: 19:35 (9:32)
3.1: 30:08 (10:32)
Overall pace: 9:33
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